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  1. Talend Component Kit
  2. TCOMP-2408

ComponentException should transform cause exception to low level exception

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      Set in done after the Unit test fix in connectors se and ee

      Set in done after the Unit test fix in connectors se and ee
    • GreenHopper Ranking:
    • 9223372036854775807
    • Small
    • To be defined


      Runtimes, like in cloud, may only know component-api in which there is component runtime.

      It happens that error message are not well displayed when the ComponentException has a cause with a subclass of Exception that is unknown by the final application.

      A way to prevent such issue would be to recursively transform all cause exceptions to a low level Exception class.


      Some more explanations:

      To sumarize:

      • Applications that use TCK, like pipeline designer or studio, run pipeline with connectors.
      • Connectors  have their own class loader
        • For instance my JiraInput could use a JiraJavaLib (just an example not the reality)
          • The JiraJavaLib contains JiraException
        • It can happen that my connector raise an Exception and the the exception is a JiraException instance
      • Since connectors are isolated with their own class loader, the runtime applictation (studio or pipeline designer) doesn't know about JiraException
        • So when it receiver this exception it fails with a ClassNotFoundException
        • It's more true for pipeline designer since exception is first serialized and the ClassNotFoundException is raised when it tries to deserialize the Exception

      That's why we ask that TCK connectors!

      • only raise ComponentException
        • It is known by runtime application since it is part of the TCK API
      • Connector must not inherit from that class
        • runtime application will not know those sub-classes

      But, there is still an issue:

      • ComponentException can have a 'cause' exception, and that cause can have also a 'cause', etc...
      • We are facing the same issue:
        • Cause classes MUST be known by runtime applications
          • if not, it could throw a ClassNotFoundException

      This ticket is about to re-recreate the 'cause' chain but with 'standard' Excpetion from java.lang: Exception or Throwable.

      • For instance my connector could raise:
        ComponentEception --cause--> JiraException --cause-->JiraTimeoutException --cause-->CommonApacheNetException
        • the runtime application may not know JiraException, JiraTimeoutException, CommonApacheNetException classes
      • it should be translated to :  
        ComponentEception --cause--> Exception --cause-->Exception --cause-->Exception
        • All causes are instances of Exception, not instance of subclasses of Exception that's the differnce, all runtime applicaiton know about Exception class
        • We should convert specific JiraException, JiraTimeoutException, CommonApacheNetException exception to generic Exception copying message and stacktrace into them.

      I think some unit tests should be enough to check if all the causes chain are transformed to Exception instances


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            acatoire Axel Catoire
            ypiel Yves Piel
            Axel Catoire Axel Catoire
            Axel Catoire, Yueyan Yin
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