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  1. Talend Component Kit
  2. TCOMP-2408

ComponentException should transform cause exception to low level exception

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      Set in done after the Unit test fix in connectors se and ee

      Set in done after the Unit test fix in connectors se and ee
    • GreenHopper Ranking:
    • 9223372036854775807
    • Small
    • To be defined

      Runtimes, like in cloud, may only know component-api in which there is component runtime.

      It happens that error message are not well displayed when the ComponentException has a cause with a subclass of Exception that is unknown by the final application.

      A way to prevent such issue would be to recursively transform all cause exceptions to a low level Exception class.


      Some more explanations:

      To sumarize:

      • Applications that use TCK, like pipeline designer or studio, run pipeline with connectors.
      • Connectors  have their own class loader
        • For instance my JiraInput could use a JiraJavaLib (just an example not the reality)
          • The JiraJavaLib contains JiraException
        • It can happen that my connector raise an Exception and the the exception is a JiraException instance
      • Since connectors are isolated with their own class loader, the runtime applictation (studio or pipeline designer) doesn't know about JiraException
        • So when it receiver this exception it fails with a ClassNotFoundException
        • It's more true for pipeline designer since exception is first serialized and the ClassNotFoundException is raised when it tries to deserialize the Exception

      That's why we ask that TCK connectors!

      • only raise ComponentException
        • It is known by runtime application since it is part of the TCK API
      • Connector must not inherit from that class
        • runtime application will not know those sub-classes

      But, there is still an issue:

      • ComponentException can have a 'cause' exception, and that cause can have also a 'cause', etc...
      • We are facing the same issue:
        • Cause classes MUST be known by runtime applications
          • if not, it could throw a ClassNotFoundException

      This ticket is about to re-recreate the 'cause' chain but with 'standard' Excpetion from java.lang: Exception or Throwable.

      • For instance my connector could raise:
        ComponentEception --cause--> JiraException --cause-->JiraTimeoutException --cause-->CommonApacheNetException
        • the runtime application may not know JiraException, JiraTimeoutException, CommonApacheNetException classes
      • it should be translated to :  
        ComponentEception --cause--> Exception --cause-->Exception --cause-->Exception
        • All causes are instances of Exception, not instance of subclasses of Exception that's the differnce, all runtime applicaiton know about Exception class
        • We should convert specific JiraException, JiraTimeoutException, CommonApacheNetException exception to generic Exception copying message and stacktrace into them.

      I think some unit tests should be enough to check if all the causes chain are transformed to Exception instances

            acatoire Axel Catoire
            ypiel Yves Piel
            Axel Catoire Axel Catoire
            Axel Catoire, Yueyan Yin
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