See linked issues.
--add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED is needed for snowflake.
The --add-opens option is a command line option used when launching a Java application. It is used to give access to packages that are otherwise inaccessible because of the Java security model.
The specific option --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED is giving access to the packages in the java.nio module, which is part of the java.base module, to code in unnamed modules. In other words, it allows code in unnamed modules (typically code on the classpath) to use the packages in the java.nio module that are normally not accessible because of the Java module system's encapsulation rules.
The ALL-UNNAMED target is a special value that means that all unnamed modules (i.e., all modules that are not part of the Java SE platform) are given access to the specified module.
It's important to note that use of the --add-opens option can potentially weaken the security of your application and should be used with caution.
- duplicates
TCOMP-2370 [RunConv] Prep output: the "operation key" field in additional parameters had an empty list instead of the list of table columns.
- Done