In the pom.xml file if a developer changes the version of their component i.e. 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT to 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT and then tries to redeploy their component this causes the deploy to studio process to fail with the below. The additional parameter of -Dtalend.component.enforceDeploy=true does not work. The only solution is to manually edit the file and remove the line for that component and then redeploy to Studio. This is going to cause major issues with our ISV and SI partners when they enhance or maintain their components.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.talend.sdk.component:talend-component-maven-plugin:1.1.19:deploy-in-studio (default-cli) on project yellowbrick-talend: Execution default-cli of goal org.talend.sdk.component:talend-component-maven-plugin:1.1.19:deploy-in-studio failed: Can't deploy this component. A different version '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT' is already installed.
[ERROR] You can enforce the deployment by using -Dtalend.component.enforceDeploy=true