Started by user Fabien Désiles Rebuilds build #42 Obtained tools/jenkins/qa/component-api-test/Jenkinsfile from git Loading library dp-runtime@main Attempting to resolve main from remote references... > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.30.2' using GIT_SSH to set credentials Verifying host key using known hosts file, will automatically accept unseen keys > git ls-remote -- # timeout=10 Found match: refs/heads/main revision 8c2fd2a26690aca9b7778383bbe624e09e2d0e45 The recommended git tool is: NONE using credential github-ssh > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /var/jenkins_home/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new@libs/846c20a2701585142ba3b75bd8453ccb919f657be3c78ac277767685aff111c2/.git # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching without tags Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.30.2' using GIT_SSH to set credentials Verifying host key using known hosts file, will automatically accept unseen keys > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 8c2fd2a26690aca9b7778383bbe624e09e2d0e45 (main) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 8c2fd2a26690aca9b7778383bbe624e09e2d0e45 # timeout=10 Commit message: "qa(TPRUN-4606): Component tests - dedicated tenants (#2)" > git rev-list --no-walk 8c2fd2a26690aca9b7778383bbe624e09e2d0e45 # timeout=10 [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] echo [WARNING] label option is deprecated. To use a static pod template, use the 'inheritFrom' option. [Pipeline] podTemplate [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] node Created Pod: kubernetes jenkins-dp-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa-component-test-058cdaee-7a-slv-6nk4m Agent data-processing-runtime-qa-component-test-058cdaee-7a-slv-6nk4m is provisioned from template data-processing-runtime-qa-component-test-058cdaee-7a-slv19 --- apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Pod" metadata: annotations: buildUrl: "" runUrl: "job/QA/job/component-api-test-new/43/" labels: jenkins/jenkins-dp-runtime-jenkins-agent: "true" jenkins/label-digest: "30ec4ea95def535c5733b7ca152fb6cf0a40836d" jenkins/label: "data-processing-runtime-qa-component-test-058cdaee-7a" name: "data-processing-runtime-qa-component-test-058cdaee-7a-slv-6nk4m" namespace: "jenkins-dp-runtime" spec: containers: - command: - "cat" image: "" name: "custom-builder" resources: limits: memory: "2G" cpu: "1.5" requests: memory: "1G" cpu: "1" tty: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/root/.m2" name: "m2-cache" - mountPath: "/root/.asdf/installs" name: "efs-jenkins-dp-runtime-asdf" subPath: "installs" - mountPath: "/root/.asdf/shims" name: "efs-jenkins-dp-runtime-asdf" subPath: "shims" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false - env: - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" value: "********" - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" value: "" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" value: "data-processing-runtime-qa-component-test-058cdaee-7a-slv-6nk4m" - name: "JENKINS_NAME" value: "data-processing-runtime-qa-component-test-058cdaee-7a-slv-6nk4m" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" value: "/home/jenkins/agent" - name: "JENKINS_URL" value: "" image: "jenkins/inbound-agent:4.11-1-jdk11" name: "jnlp" resources: limits: {} requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "100m" volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false imagePullSecrets: - name: "talend-registry" nodeSelector: "linux" restartPolicy: "Never" volumes: - name: "m2-cache" persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: "efs-jenkins-dp-runtime-m2" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "workspace-volume" - name: "efs-jenkins-dp-runtime-asdf" persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: "efs-jenkins-dp-runtime-asdf" Running on data-processing-runtime-qa-component-test-058cdaee-7a-slv-6nk4m in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] container [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] ansiColor [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 12 hr [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Checkout code) [Pipeline] dir Running in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] git The recommended git tool is: git using credential github-credentials Warning: JENKINS-30600: special launcher org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.pipeline.ContainerExecDecorator$1@4d3a21d6; decorates RemoteLauncher[hudson.remoting.Channel@36fd39d:JNLP4-connect connection from ip-10-90-60-176.ec2.internal/] will be ignored (a typical symptom is the Git executable not being run inside a designated container) Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.30.2' using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 Avoid second fetch Checking out Revision cfafe2a139a8c606bac47f7822c9fc59ae3d8a5e (refs/remotes/origin/main) > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/main^{commit} # timeout=10 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f cfafe2a139a8c606bac47f7822c9fc59ae3d8a5e # timeout=10 > git branch -a -v --no-abbrev # timeout=10 > git checkout -b main cfafe2a139a8c606bac47f7822c9fc59ae3d8a5e # timeout=10 Commit message: "qa(): use the Kafka service starting in the terraform (#923)" > git rev-list --no-walk cfafe2a139a8c606bac47f7822c9fc59ae3d8a5e # timeout=10 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // dir [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Set up worker) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo Install apps in pod [Pipeline] sh + bash /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/tools/jenkins/qa/component-api-test/scripts/ maven 3.6.0 is already installed jq 1.5 is already installed java openjdk-11 is already installed [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Set up job configuration) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withCredentials Masking supported pattern matches of $tpdQaDevPassword or $tpdTestEnvpassword or $tpdQaProdPassword [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo Setting up stack configuration properties [Pipeline] libraryResource [Pipeline] writeFile [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k testEnvUrl -v -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k accountName -v -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k user -v tdi-com-test -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [tpdQaDevPassword] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k password -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k remoteEngineId -v 0fae2368-483c-4454-8593-7ad9270b244f -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k profileId -v 636be2c1b93bb94da38b2492 -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k tmcBaseUrl -v -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k tmcCe4dUrl -v -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k tmcCe4dId -v '' -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withCredentials [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Set up test environment) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withCredentials Masking supported pattern matches of $deltaLakeToken [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] libraryResource [Pipeline] writeFile [Pipeline] echo Start databricks cluster (if not already running) [Pipeline] sh + timeout 5m bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ **** Check current databricks cluster state Cluster state is RUNNING : Cluster already started [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withCredentials [Pipeline] withCredentials Masking supported pattern matches of $nexusPassword [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] libraryResource [Pipeline] writeFile [Pipeline] echo Set Maven configuration file [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -f /root/.m2/settings.xml -u ci-tpd -p **** [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withCredentials [Pipeline] withCredentials Masking supported pattern matches of $nexusPassword or $googleProjectId or $workdayRaaSPwd or $workdayRaaSTenantAlias or $snowflakePrivateKeyPwd or $snowflakePrivateKey or $dynamoAssumeRoleAccessKey or $dynamoAssumeRoleSecretKey or $cosmosKey or $accessKey or $secretKey or $eventHubsKey or $netSuitePwd or $netSuiteAppID or $azureDynamics365Pwd or $azureDynamics365AppId or $googlePrivateId or $googlePrivateKey or $workdayClientId or $workdayClientSecret or $postgresqlPwd or $mariadbPwd or $mysqlPwd or $auroraPwd or $mssqlPwd or $redShiftPwd or $snowflakePwd or $azureSQLDWHPwd or $azureBlobAccountKey or $azureDataLakeSharedKey or $salesforcePwd or $marketoClientSecret or $salesforceSecretKey or $sftpPassword or $ftpPassword or $mongodbPassword or $singlestorePassword or $derbyPassword or $couchbasePassword or $azureDatalakeSas or $azureBlobSas or $deltaLakeToken or $boxClientSecret or $boxKeyPassphrase or $boxPrivateKey [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo Setting up test environment configuration properties [Pipeline] echo File : [Pipeline] libraryResource [Pipeline] writeFile [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [accessKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k accessKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [secretKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k secretKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [dynamoAssumeRoleAccessKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k dynamoAssumeRoleAccessKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [dynamoAssumeRoleSecretKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k dynamoAssumeRoleSecretKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] echo File : [Pipeline] libraryResource [Pipeline] writeFile [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [azureDatalakeSas] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k azureDatalakeSas -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [azureBlobSas] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k azureBlobSas -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [azureBlobAccountKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k azureBlobAccountKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [azureDataLakeSharedKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k azureDataLakeSharedKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [azureDynamics365Pwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k azureDynamics365Pwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [azureDynamics365AppId] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k azureDynamics365AppId -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [eventHubsKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k eventHubsKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [cosmosKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k cosmosKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] echo File : [Pipeline] libraryResource [Pipeline] writeFile [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [postgresqlPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k postgresqlPwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [mariadbPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k mariadbPwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [mysqlPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k mysqlPwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [auroraPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k auroraPwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [mssqlPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k mssqlPwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [redShiftPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k redShiftPwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [deltaLakeToken] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k deltaLakeToken -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [snowflakePwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k snowflakePwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [snowflakePrivateKeyPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k snowflakePrivateKeyPwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [snowflakePrivateKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k snowflakePrivateKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [azureSQLDWHPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k azureSQLDWHPwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k singlestoreUsername -v root -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [singlestorePassword] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k singlestorePassword -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [derbyPassword] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k derbyUsername -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [derbyPassword] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k derbyPassword -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] echo File : [Pipeline] libraryResource [Pipeline] writeFile [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k marketoClientId -v a1705bd3-9530-44d2-acce-d2d9fae9347c -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [marketoClientSecret] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k marketoClientSecret -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k sftpUsername -v sftp-dpp-runtime-user -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [sftpPassword] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k sftpPassword -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k ftpUsername -v ftpuser -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [mongodbPassword, ftpPassword] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k ftpPassword -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [postgresqlPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k mongodbUsername -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [mongodbPassword, ftpPassword] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k mongodbPassword -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k couchbaseUsername -v couchbase-dpp-runtime-user -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [couchbasePassword] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k couchbasePassword -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [salesforcePwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k salesforcePwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [salesforceSecretKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k salesforceSecretKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [workdayClientId] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k workdayClientId -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [workdayClientSecret] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k workdayClientSecret -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [workdayRaaSPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k workdayRaaSPwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [workdayRaaSTenantAlias, postgresqlPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k workdayRaaSTenantAlias -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [netSuitePwd, postgresqlPwd] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k netSuitePwd -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [netSuiteAppID] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k netSuiteAppID -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [boxClientSecret] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k boxClientSecret -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [boxKeyPassphrase] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k boxKeyPassphrase -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [boxPrivateKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k boxPrivateKey -v '****' -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] echo File : [Pipeline] libraryResource [Pipeline] writeFile [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [googlePrivateId] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k googlePrivateId -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [googlePrivateKey] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k googlePrivateKey -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] sh Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure. Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [googleProjectId] See for details. + bash ./.jenkins_shared_lib_scripts/qa/scripts/ -k googleProjectId -v **** -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/resources/properties/ [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withCredentials [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Clean up before test) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + echo 'Remove all existing datasets/connectors/pipelines/datapreps' Remove all existing datasets/connectors/pipelines/datapreps + bash mvn -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/pom.xml test '-Dcucumber.options=--tags '\''@delete'\''' -Dauth0=true [WARNING] [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective settings [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ---------< >---------- [INFO] Building dpruntime-tests-api-components 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile (default-compile) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 352 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 23 source files to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/target/test-classes [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/java/utils/ Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/test/java/utils/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running CucumberTest @delete Feature: Delete Connections , Datasets and Pipelines @delete @delete Scenario: delete resources # features/preparation/DeleteResources.feature:4 WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/root/.m2/repository/io/cucumber/cucumber-jvm-deps/1.0.6/cucumber-jvm-deps-1.0.6.jar) to field java.util.TreeMap.comparator WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See for further details. When user cleans up pipelines after run # UtilStep.cleanUp(String) When user cleans up preparatons after run # UtilStep.cleanUp(String) When user cleans up datasets after run # UtilStep.cleanUp(String) When user cleans up connections after run # UtilStep.cleanUp(String) 1 Scenarios (1 passed) 4 Steps (4 passed) 5m45.277s Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 346.108 sec Results : Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 05:57 min [INFO] Finished at: 2022-11-09T18:24:33Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Prepare) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo the connection tag is @component-Cnt [Pipeline] echo the final connection tag is @component-Cnt or @saveCntId or @Test-Cnt [Pipeline] sh + bash mvn test -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/pom.xml '-Dcucumber.options=--tags '\''@component-Cnt or @saveCntId or @Test-Cnt'\''' -Dauth0=true [WARNING] [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective settings [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ---------< >---------- [INFO] Building dpruntime-tests-api-components 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile (default-compile) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 352 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running CucumberTest @sample-Cnt Feature: inject Amazon connection @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @AmazonKinesis-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject KinesisSTS connection # features/preparation/connections/AmazonConnectionPreparation.feature:5 WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/root/.m2/repository/io/cucumber/cucumber-jvm-deps/1.0.6/cucumber-jvm-deps-1.0.6.jar) to field java.util.TreeMap.comparator WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See for further details. Nov 09, 2022 6:25:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AmazonKinesisSTS is : 201 When user adds none-database AmazonKinesisSTS connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @smoke-Cnt @AmazonKinesis-Cnt Scenario: inject Kinesis connection # features/preparation/connections/AmazonConnectionPreparation.feature:10 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AmazonKinesis is : 201 When user adds none-database AmazonKinesis connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @AmazonDynamoDB-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject DynamoDB connection # features/preparation/connections/AmazonConnectionPreparation.feature:14 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AmazonDynamoDB is : 201 When user adds none-database AmazonDynamoDB connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject DynamoDB_AssumeRole connection # features/preparation/connections/AmazonConnectionPreparation.feature:18 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole is : 201 When user adds none-database AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @AmazonS3-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject S3 connection # features/preparation/connections/AmazonConnectionPreparation.feature:22 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds none-database AmazonS3 connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt Feature: inject Azure connections @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @AzureDynamics365-Cnt Scenario: inject AzureDynamics365 connection # features/preparation/connections/AzureConnectionPreparation.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AzureDynamics365 is : 201 When user adds none-database AzureDynamics365 connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @AzureEventHubs-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject AzureEventHubs connection # features/preparation/connections/AzureConnectionPreparation.feature:9 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds none-database AzureEventHubs connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @AzureCosmosDB-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject AzureCosmosDB connection # features/preparation/connections/AzureConnectionPreparation.feature:13 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AzureCosmosDB is : 201 When user adds none-database AzureCosmosDB connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 connection # features/preparation/connections/AzureConnectionPreparation.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds none-database AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @smoke-Cnt @component-Cnt @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS-Cnt Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS connection # features/preparation/connections/AzureConnectionPreparation.feature:21 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS is : 201 When user adds none-database AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @AzureBlobStorage-Cnt @smoke-Cnt @AzureEventHubs-Cnt Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorage connection # features/preparation/connections/AzureConnectionPreparation.feature:29 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds none-database AzureBlobStorage connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @smoke-Cnt @component-Cnt @AzureBlobStorageSAS-Cnt @AzureEventHubs-Cnt Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorageSAS connection # features/preparation/connections/AzureConnectionPreparation.feature:37 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection AzureBlobStorageSAS is : 201 When user adds none-database AzureBlobStorageSAS connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt Feature: inject common services connection @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Test-Cnt Scenario: inject test connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Test is : 201 When user adds none-database Test connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @ElasticSearch-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject ElasticSearch connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:9 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection ElasticSearch is : 201 When user adds none-database ElasticSearch connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Kafka-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Kafka connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:13 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Kafka is : 201 When user adds none-database Kafka connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @REST-Cnt @smoke-Cnt @SourceIsTarget-Cnt Scenario: inject REST connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection REST is : 201 When user adds none-database REST connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @REST-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject REST_HTTPBin connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:21 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection REST_HTTPBin is : 201 When user adds none-database REST_HTTPBin connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @REST-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject REST_Authentication_Basic connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:25 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection REST_Authentication_Basic is : 201 When user adds none-database REST_Authentication_Basic connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @REST-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject REST_Authentication_Digest connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:29 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection REST_Authentication_Digest is : 201 When user adds none-database REST_Authentication_Digest connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @MongoDB-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject MongoDB connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:33 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection MongoDB is : 201 When user adds none-database MongoDB connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Pulsar-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Pulsar connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:37 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Pulsar is : 201 When user adds none-database Pulsar connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Marketo-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Marketo connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:41 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Marketo is : 201 When user adds none-database Marketo connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Salesforce-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Salesforce connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:45 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Salesforce is : 201 When user adds none-database Salesforce connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Workday-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Workday connection with RaaS # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:52 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection WorkdayRaaS is : 201 When user adds none-database WorkdayRaaS connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Workday-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Workday connection with WSSA # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:56 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection WorkdayWSSA is : 201 When user adds none-database WorkdayWSSA connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @NetSuite-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject NetSuite connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:60 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection NetSuite is : 201 When user adds none-database NetSuite connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @HDFS-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject HDFS connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:64 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection HDFS is : 201 When user adds none-database HDFS connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @FTP-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject FTP connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:68 Nov 09, 2022 6:25:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection FTP is : 201 When user adds none-database FTP connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @SFTP-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject SFTP connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:72 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection SFTP is : 201 When user adds none-database SFTP connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Zendesk-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Zendesk connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:76 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Zendesk is : 201 When user adds none-database Zendesk connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @LocalConnection-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Local Connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:80 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection LocalConnection is : 201 When user adds none-database LocalConnection connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Couchbase-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Couchbase connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:84 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Couchbase is : 201 When user adds none-database Couchbase connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Kudu-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Kudu connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:88 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Kudu is : 201 When user adds none-database Kudu connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Box-Cnt @smoke-Cnt @SourceIsTarget Scenario: inject Box_Enterprise_Id Connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:92 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:10 PM utils.payloadAction.connection.BoxConnectionPayloadAction updateBoxConnectionPara INFO: The length of Box key: 1834 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds none-database Box_Enterprise_Id connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @Box-Cnt @smoke-Cnt @SourceIsTarget Scenario: inject Box_User_Id Connection # features/preparation/connections/CommonConnectionPreparation.feature:96 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:12 PM utils.payloadAction.connection.BoxConnectionPayloadAction updateBoxConnectionPara INFO: The length of Box key: 1834 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds none-database Box_User_Id connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt Feature: inject Database connection @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @PostgreSQL-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject PostgreSQL connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection PostgreSQL is : 201 When user adds database PostgreSQL connection with dbType PostgreSQL # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @PostgreSQL-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject PostgreSQL connection with Basic authentication type # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:8 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection PostgreSQLBasic is : 201 When user adds database PostgreSQL connection using dbType PostgreSQL and authenticationType Basic # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthenticationType(String,String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @Aurora-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Aurora connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:12 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection Aurora is : 201 When user adds database Aurora connection using dbType Aurora and configuration handler=MySQL # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @MariaDB-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject MariaDB connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:16 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection MariaDB is : 201 When user adds database MariaDB connection with dbType MariaDB # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @MariaDB-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject MariaDB connection with Basic authentication type # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:20 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection MariaDBBasic is : 201 When user adds database MariaDB connection using dbType MariaDB and authenticationType Basic # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthenticationType(String,String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @MSSQL-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject MSSQL connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:24 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection MSSQL is : 201 When user adds database MSSQL connection with dbType MSSQL # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @MSSQL-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject MSSQL connection with Basic authentication type # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:28 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection MSSQLBasic is : 201 When user adds database MSSQL connection using dbType MSSQL and authenticationType Basic # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthenticationType(String,String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @MySql-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject MySQL connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:32 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection MySQL is : 201 When user adds database MySQL connection with dbType MySQL # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @MySql-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject MySQL connection with Basic authentication type # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:36 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection MySQLBasic is : 201 When user adds database MySQL connection using dbType MySQL and authenticationType Basic # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthenticationType(String,String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @RedShift-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Redshift connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:40 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection Redshift is : 201 When user adds database Redshift connection with dbType Redshift # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @Snowflake-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Snowflake with basic connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:44 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection Snowflake is : 201 When user adds database Snowflake connection using dbType Snowflake and configuration authenticationType=BASIC # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @Snowflake_Keypair-Cnt Scenario: inject Snowflake with Keypair connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:48 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection Snowflake-Keypair is : 201 When user adds database Snowflake-Keypair connection using dbType Snowflake and configuration authenticationType=KEY_PAIR # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @Snowflake-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Snowflake Basic authentication with parameter connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:52 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection SnowflakeBasic is : 201 When user adds database Snowflake connection using dbType Snowflake with authenticationType Basic and parameters schema&warehouse # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthenticationType(String,String,String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @AzureSynapse-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject AzureSynapse connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:56 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection AzureSynapse is : 201 When user adds database AzureSynapse connection with dbType SQLDWH # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @Derby-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject Derby connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:60 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection Derby is : 201 When user adds database Derby connection with dbType Derby # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @SingleStore-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject SingleStore connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:64 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection SingleStore is : 201 When user adds database SingleStore connection using dbType SingleStore and configuration handler=MariaDB # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String,String) @sample-Cnt @Database-Cnt @component-Cnt @DeltaLake-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject DeltaLake connection # features/preparation/connections/DatabaseConnectionPreparation.feature:68 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation addDatabaseConnectionWithAuthType INFO: Status code for adding connection DeltaLake is : 201 When user adds database DeltaLake connection with dbType DeltaLake # AddConnectionStep.addDatabaseConnection(String,String) @sample-Cnt Feature: inject Google connections @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @GoogleBigQuery-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject GoogleBigQuery connection # features/preparation/connections/GoogleConnectionPreparation.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection GoogleBigQuery is : 201 When user adds none-database GoogleBigQuery connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @GooglePubSub-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject GooglePubSub connection # features/preparation/connections/GoogleConnectionPreparation.feature:9 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection GooglePubSub is : 201 When user adds none-database GooglePubSub connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt @component-Cnt @GoogleCloudStorage-Cnt @smoke-Cnt Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage connection # features/preparation/connections/GoogleConnectionPreparation.feature:13 Nov 09, 2022 6:26:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsConnection INFO: Status code for adding connection GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds none-database GoogleCloudStorage connection # AddConnectionStep.userAddsConnection(String) @sample-Cnt Feature: save connections' Id @sample-Cnt @saveCntId Scenario: put all connections' id in one file # features/preparation/connections/WeSaveConnectionId.feature:5 When add a json file to contain all the connection id # UtilStep.saveConnectionsId() 56 Scenarios (56 passed) 56 Steps (56 passed) 2m2.895s Tests run: 56, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 123.703 sec Results : Tests run: 56, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 02:11 min [INFO] Finished at: 2022-11-09T18:26:57Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Pipeline] echo the dataset tag is @component-ds [Pipeline] echo the final dataset tag is @component-ds or @saveDsId or @Test-ds [Pipeline] sh + bash mvn test -f /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/pom.xml '-Dcucumber.options=--tags '\''@component-ds or @saveDsId or @Test-ds'\''' -Dauth0=true [WARNING] [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective settings [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ---------< >---------- [INFO] Building dpruntime-tests-api-components 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile (default-compile) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 352 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running CucumberTest @sample-ds Feature: inject all Amazon datasets @sample-ds @component-ds @AmazonKinesis-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AmazonKinesisSTS # features/preparation/datasets/AmazonDatasetPreparation.feature:5 WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/root/.m2/repository/io/cucumber/cucumber-jvm-deps/1.0.6/cucumber-jvm-deps-1.0.6.jar) to field java.util.TreeMap.comparator WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See for further details. When user adds AmazonKinesisSTS dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @smoke-ds @AmazonKinesis-ds Scenario: inject AmazonKinesis # features/preparation/datasets/AmazonDatasetPreparation.feature:10 When user adds AmazonKinesis dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AmazonDynamoDB-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AmazonDynamoDB # features/preparation/datasets/AmazonDatasetPreparation.feature:14 When user adds AmazonDynamoDB dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole with Table # features/preparation/datasets/AmazonDatasetPreparation.feature:18 When user adds AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole dataset with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AmazonS3-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AmazonS3 with Avro # features/preparation/datasets/AmazonDatasetPreparation.feature:22 When user adds AmazonS3 dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AmazonS3-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AmazonS3 with Excel # features/preparation/datasets/AmazonDatasetPreparation.feature:26 When user adds AmazonS3 dataset with Excel configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AmazonS3-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AmazonS3 with Parquet # features/preparation/datasets/AmazonDatasetPreparation.feature:30 When user adds AmazonS3 dataset with Parquet configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AmazonS3-ds Scenario: inject AmazonS3 with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/AmazonDatasetPreparation.feature:34 When user adds AmazonS3 dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AmazonS3-ds Scenario: inject AmazonS3 with Json # features/preparation/datasets/AmazonDatasetPreparation.feature:38 When user adds AmazonS3 dataset with Json configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds Feature: inject all Azure service datasets @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureEventHubs-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureEventHubs with CSV # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:9 When user adds AzureEventHubs dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureEventHubs-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureEventHubs with AVRO # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:13 When user adds AzureEventHubs dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureEventHubs-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureEventHubs with JSON # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:17 When user adds AzureEventHubs dataset with Json configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureEventHubs-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureEventHubs with TEXT # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:21 When user adds AzureEventHubs dataset with Text configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureCosmosDB-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureCosmosDB # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:25 When user adds AzureCosmosDB dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Avro # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:29 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Json # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:33 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 dataset with Json configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Parquet # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:37 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 dataset with Parquet configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:41 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Tab-Csv # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:45 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 dataset with Tab-Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with OtherSettings-Csv # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:49 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 dataset with OtherSettings-Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with Avro # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:53 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with Json # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:57 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS dataset with Json configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with Parquet # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:61 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS dataset with Parquet configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:65 When user adds AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureBlobStorage-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorage with Avro # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:89 When user adds AzureBlobStorage dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureBlobStorage-ds Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorage with Parquet # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:93 When user adds AzureBlobStorage dataset with Parquet configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureBlobStorage-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorage with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:97 When user adds AzureBlobStorage dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureBlobStorage-ds Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorage with Excel # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:101 When user adds AzureBlobStorage dataset with Excel configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureBlobStorage-ds Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorage with Json # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:105 When user adds AzureBlobStorage dataset with Json configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureBlobStorageSAS-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorageSAS with Avro # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:109 When user adds AzureBlobStorageSAS dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureBlobStorageSAS-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorageSAS with Parquet # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:113 When user adds AzureBlobStorageSAS dataset with Parquet configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureBlobStorageSAS-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorageSAS with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:117 When user adds AzureBlobStorageSAS dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureBlobStorageSAS-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureBlobStorageSAS with Excel # features/preparation/datasets/AzureDatasetPreparation.feature:121 When user adds AzureBlobStorageSAS dataset with Excel configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds Feature: inject all common datasets @sample-ds @component-ds @Test-ds Scenario: inject Test dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:5 When user adds Test dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDyanmic165-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestAzureDynamic365 dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:9 When user adds TestAzureDynamic365 dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestEscape dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:13 When user adds TestEscape dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GooglePubSub-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestGooglePubSub dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:17 When user adds TestGooglePubSub dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GooglePubSub-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestGooglePubSub dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:21 When user adds TestGooglePubSub dataset with CSV configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestCommonIO dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:25 When user adds TestCommonIO dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @NetSuite-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestNetsuite dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:29 When user adds TestNetsuite dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Salesforce-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestSalesforce dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:33 When user adds TestSalesforce dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureEventHubs-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestEventHub Avro dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:37 When user adds TestEventHub dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @AzureEventHubs-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestEventHub TEXT dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:41 When user adds TestEventHub dataset with Text configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @ElasticSearch-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject ElasticSearch dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:45 When user adds ElasticSearch dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Kafka-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Kafka dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:49 When user adds Kafka dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Kafka-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Kafka dataset with Json # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:53 When user adds Kafka dataset with Json configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Kafka-ds Scenario: inject Kafka dataset with Avro # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:57 When user adds Kafka dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @REST-ds @smoke-ds @SourceIsTarget-ds Scenario: inject REST dataset with Batch # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:61 When user adds REST dataset with Batch configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @REST-ds @smoke-ds @SourceIsTarget-ds Scenario: inject REST dataset with Streaming # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:65 When user adds REST dataset with Streaming configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @REST-ds @smoke-ds @SourceIsTarget-ds Scenario: inject REST dataset with Header-Parameter # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:69 When user adds REST dataset with Header-Parameter configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @REST-ds @smoke-ds @SourceIsTarget-ds Scenario: inject REST dataset with URL-Parameter # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:73 When user adds REST dataset with URL-Parameter configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @REST-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject REST_HTTPBin dataset with Path-Parameter # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:77 When user adds REST_HTTPBin dataset with Path-Parameter configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @REST-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject REST_HTTPBin dataset with Body-Parameter # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:81 When user adds REST_HTTPBin dataset with Body-Parameter configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @REST-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject REST_Authentication_Basic dataset with Basic_Auth # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:85 When user adds REST_Authentication_Basic dataset with Basic_Auth configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @REST-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject REST_Authentication_Digest dataset with Digest_Auth # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:89 When user adds REST_Authentication_Digest dataset with Digest_Auth configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @MongoDB-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject MongoDB dataset with Collection-Json # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:93 When user adds MongoDB dataset with Collection-Json configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Pulsar-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Pulsar dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:97 When user adds Pulsar dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Marketo-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Marketo dataset with People # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:101 When user adds Marketo dataset with People configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Salesforce-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Salesforce dataset with Module # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:105 When user adds Salesforce dataset with Module configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Salesforce-ds Scenario: inject Salesforce dataset with Query # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:109 When user adds Salesforce dataset with Query configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Workday-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Workday dataset with Raas # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:115 When user adds Workday dataset with RaaS configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Workday-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Workday dataset with WSSA # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:119 When user adds Workday dataset with WSSA configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @NetSuite-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject NetSuite # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:123 When user adds NetSuite dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @HDFS-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject HDFS dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:127 When user adds HDFS dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @FTP-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject FTP dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:131 When user adds FTP dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @SFTP-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject SFTP dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:135 When user adds SFTP dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @LocalConnection-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject LocalConnection dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:139 When user adds LocalConnection dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Zendesk-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Zendesk dataset with Tickets # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:143 When user adds Zendesk dataset with Tickets-Create configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Zendesk-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Zendesk dataset with Tickets # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:147 When user adds Zendesk dataset with Requests-Create configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Zendesk-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestZendesk dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:151 When user adds TestZendesk dataset with Requests configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Zendesk-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject TestZendesk dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:155 When user adds TestZendesk dataset with Tickets configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Couchbase-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Couchbase dataset with JSON # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:159 When user adds Couchbase dataset with JSON configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Kudu-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Kudu dataset # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:163 When user adds Kudu dataset without additional configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds @SourceIsTarget Scenario: inject BoxUId dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:167 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_User_Id dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject BoxUId dataset with Avro # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:171 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_User_Id dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject BoxUId dataset with Json # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:175 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_User_Id dataset with Json configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject BoxUId dataset with Excel # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:179 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_User_Id dataset with Excel configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject BoxUId dataset with Excel-HTML-Read # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:183 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_User_Id dataset with Excel-HTML-Read configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds @SourceIsTarget Scenario: inject BoxEId dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:187 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_Enterprise_Id dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject BoxEId dataset with Avro # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:191 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_Enterprise_Id dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject BoxEId dataset with Json # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:195 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_Enterprise_Id dataset with Json configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject BoxEId dataset with Excel # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:199 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_Enterprise_Id dataset with Excel configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @Box-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject BoxEId dataset with Excel-HTML-Read # features/preparation/datasets/CommonDatasetPreparation.feature:203 Box private Key length:1834 Box private Key Passphrase length:32 When user adds Box_Enterprise_Id dataset with Excel-HTML-Read configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds Feature: inject all Database datasets @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @PostgreSQL-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject PostgreSQL with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:5 When user adds database dataset PostgreSQL with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @PostgreSQL-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject PostgreSQL with the Basic of authentication type and Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:9 When user adds database authenticationType Basic dataset PostgreSQL with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseWithAuthType(String,String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @Aurora-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Aurora with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:13 When user adds database dataset Aurora with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @MariaDB-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject MariaDB with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:17 When user adds database dataset MariaDB with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @MariaDB-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject MariaDB with the Basic of authentication type and Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:21 When user adds database authenticationType Basic dataset MariaDB with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseWithAuthType(String,String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @MSSQL-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject MSSQL with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:25 When user adds database dataset MSSQL with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @MSSQL-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject MSSQL with the Basic of authentication type and Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:29 When user adds database authenticationType Basic dataset MSSQL with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseWithAuthType(String,String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @MySql-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject MySQL with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:33 When user adds database dataset MySQL with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @MySql-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject MySQL with the Basic of authentication type and Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:37 When user adds database authenticationType Basic dataset MySQL with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseWithAuthType(String,String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @RedShift-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Redshift with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:41 When user adds database dataset Redshift with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @Snowflake-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Snowflake with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:45 When user adds database dataset Snowflake with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @Snowflake-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Snowflake with the Basic of authentication type and Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:49 When user adds database authenticationType Basic dataset Snowflake with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseWithAuthType(String,String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @Snowflake-ds @smoke-ds @component-ds @AzureSynapse-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject AzureSynapse with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:57 When user adds database dataset AzureSynapse with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @Derby-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject Derby with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:61 When user adds database dataset Derby with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @SingleStore-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject SingleStore with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:65 When user adds database dataset SingleStore with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @Database-ds @component-ds @DeltaLake-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject DeltaLake with Table # features/preparation/datasets/DatabaseDatasetPreparation.feature:69 When user adds database dataset DeltaLake with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDatabaseDataset(String,String) @sample-ds Feature: inject all Google service datasets @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleBigQuery-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject GoogleBigQuery dataset with Table # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:5 When user adds GoogleBigQuery dataset with Table configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GooglePubSub-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject GooglePubSub dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:9 When user adds GooglePubSub dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GooglePubSub-ds Scenario: inject GooglePubSub dataset with Text # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:13 When user adds GooglePubSub dataset with Text configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GooglePubSub-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject GooglePubSub dataset with Avro # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:17 When user adds GooglePubSub dataset with Avro configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GooglePubSub-ds Scenario: inject GooglePubSub dataset with JSON # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:21 When user adds GooglePubSub dataset with JSON configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds @smoke-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with Csv # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:25 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with Csv configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with Path # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:29 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with Path configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-JSON # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:33 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-JSON configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-AVRO # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:37 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-AVRO configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-Excel97 # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:41 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-Excel97 configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-Excel2007 # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:45 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-Excel2007 configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-LinuxType # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:49 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-LinuxType configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-WindowsType # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:53 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-WindowsType configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-Header # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:57 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-Header configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-ISO-8859-15 # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:61 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-ISO-8859-15 configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-PipeFieldSeparator # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:65 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-PipeFieldSeparator configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-SemicolonFieldSeparator # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:69 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-SemicolonFieldSeparator configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-Advanced-EscapeCharacter # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:73 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-Advanced-EscapeCharacter configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds @component-ds @GoogleCloudStorage-ds Scenario: inject GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-Advanced-QuoteCharacter # features/preparation/datasets/GoogleDatasetPreparation.feature:77 When user adds GoogleCloudStorage dataset with CommonIO-CSV-Advanced-QuoteCharacter configuration # AddDatasetStep.userAddsDataset(String,String) @sample-ds Feature: save datasets' id @sample-ds @saveDsId Scenario: save datasets' id # features/preparation/datasets/WeSaveDatasetId.feature:5 When add a json file to contain all datasets' id # UtilStep.saveDatasetIds() 119 Scenarios (119 passed) 119 Steps (119 passed) 4m15.927s Tests run: 119, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 256.804 sec Results : Tests run: 119, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 04:24 min [INFO] Finished at: 2022-11-09T18:31:24Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (TEST) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh [WARNING] [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective settings [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] '' must be unique but found duplicate server with id $id @ /root/.m2/settings.xml [WARNING] [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ---------< >---------- [INFO] Building dpruntime-tests-api-components 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile (default-compile) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 352 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ dpruntime-tests-api-components --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/target/surefire-reports ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running CucumberTest @component Feature: test AmazonDynamoDB components @component @smoke @AmazonDynamoDB Scenario: test -> DynamoDB # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:5 WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/root/.m2/repository/io/cucumber/cucumber-jvm-deps/1.0.6/cucumber-jvm-deps-1.0.6.jar) to field java.util.TreeMap.comparator WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release Nov 09, 2022 6:31:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:31:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:31:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 314ddd96-5bb9-4156-b1fb-a8b8c4586f91 for {dataset_id} SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See for further details. Nov 09, 2022 6:31:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonDynamoDB is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonDynamoDB without dataset config for output component with Insert config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:31:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:31:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:31:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:31:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:8) @component @AmazonDynamoDB Scenario: DynamoDB -> test # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:31:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:31:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 314ddd96-5bb9-4156-b1fb-a8b8c4586f91 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:31:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonDynamoDB is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonDynamoDB without dataset config for input component with Scan config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:31:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:31:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:32:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:32:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:14) @component @AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole Scenario: test -> DynamoDB_AssumeRole # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 6:32:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:32:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:32:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 0eb4438b-bcb7-4282-9b59-5359c6ea5fa7 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:32:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole with dataset Table config for output component with Insert config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:32:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:32:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:32:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:32:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:26) @component @smoke @AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole Scenario: DynamoDB_AssumeRole Query -> test # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:29 Nov 09, 2022 6:32:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:32:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 0eb4438b-bcb7-4282-9b59-5359c6ea5fa7 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:32:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonDynamoDB_AssumeRole with dataset Table config for input component with Query config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:32:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:32:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:32:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:32:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:32) @component Feature: test AmazonKinesis components @component @smoke @AmazonKinesis Scenario: Kinesis with STS -> test # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonKinesis.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:32:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:32:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 4efa9ffd-1967-4e79-8ea5-518e14302dfa for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:32:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonKinesisSTS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonKinesisSTS without dataset config for input component with Latest config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:32:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonKinesis.feature:8) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component Feature: test AmazonS3 components @component @smoke @AmazonS3 Scenario: test dataset -> S3 with Excel # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f580c8a1-a2a5-40ef-9454-a1f67733418e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Excel config for output component with OverwriteMerge config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:34:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:34:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:8) @component @AmazonS3 Scenario: test dataset -> S3 with AVRO # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 696ce4f2-69ac-4bb1-bd2f-20e475488a0a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Avro config for output component with OverwriteMerge config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:34:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:34:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:14) @component @AmazonS3 Scenario: test dataset -> S3 with Parquet # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 993f60f3-ca40-412a-abc4-043e3a054f79 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Parquet config for output component with OverwriteMerge config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:34:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:34:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:20) @component @AmazonS3 Scenario: test dataset -> S3 with Csv # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 90600ae6-f982-4bd6-ba74-17bef608a8ea for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Csv config for output component with OverwriteMerge config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:34:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:34:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:26) @component @AmazonS3 Scenario: test dataset -> S3 with Json # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:29 Nov 09, 2022 6:34:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3c30d6d4-f756-49d1-910c-960a31d8b8ad for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:34:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Json config for output component with OverwriteMerge config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:34:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:35:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:32) @component @AmazonS3 Scenario: S3 with Excel -> test # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:35 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:12 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:35:12 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f580c8a1-a2a5-40ef-9454-a1f67733418e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:35:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Excel config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:35:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:35:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:38) @component @AmazonS3 Scenario: S3 with Parquet -> test # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:41 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:35:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 993f60f3-ca40-412a-abc4-043e3a054f79 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:35:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Parquet config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:35:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:35:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:44) @component @smoke @AmazonS3 Scenario: S3 with Avro -> test # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:47 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:35:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 696ce4f2-69ac-4bb1-bd2f-20e475488a0a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:35:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Avro config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:35:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:35:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:50) @component @AmazonS3 Scenario: S3 with Csv -> test # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:53 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:35:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 90600ae6-f982-4bd6-ba74-17bef608a8ea for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:35:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:35:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:35:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:35:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:56) @component @AmazonS3 Scenario: S3 with Json -> test # features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:59 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3c30d6d4-f756-49d1-910c-960a31d8b8ad for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AmazonS3 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AmazonS3 with dataset Json config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:36:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:36:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:62) @component Feature: test AzureBlobStorage components @component @smoke @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Csv # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:16 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:16 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:16 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3e2e19c0-16d7-43ae-b37f-ca56c049507e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:36:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:36:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:8) @component @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Avro # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:29 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:29 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:29 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: aed5374b-6b24-4fef-b3e4-8a81dfad11aa for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Avro config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:36:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:36:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:14) @component @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Parquet # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:42 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:42 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:42 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7c0acd04-23d1-4e6b-bced-64c77a7d34c9 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Parquet config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:36:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:36:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:20) @component @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: Test -> Azure Blob Storage with Excel # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 6:36:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 08c12001-3551-4aa3-9f02-5c6441792f8b for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:36:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Excel config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:36:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:36:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:26) @component @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: Test -> Azure Blob Storage with Json # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:28 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:09 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:37:09 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:37:09 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 394ad602-6ec0-4120-bd73-a979265f9ea1 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:37:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Json config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:37:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:37:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:31) @component @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: Azure Blob Storage with Csv -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:34 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:21 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:37:21 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3e2e19c0-16d7-43ae-b37f-ca56c049507e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:37:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:37:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:37:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:37) @component @smoke @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: Azure Blob Storage with Avro -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:40 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:37:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: aed5374b-6b24-4fef-b3e4-8a81dfad11aa for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:37:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Avro config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:37:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:37:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:43) @component @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: Azure Blob Storage with Parquet -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:46 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:47 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:37:47 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7c0acd04-23d1-4e6b-bced-64c77a7d34c9 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:37:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Parquet config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:37:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:37:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:37:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:49) @component @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: Azure Blob Storage with Excel -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:52 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:00 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:00 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 08c12001-3551-4aa3-9f02-5c6441792f8b for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Excel config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:38:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:38:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:55) @component @AzureBlobStorage Scenario: Azure Blob Storage with Json -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:58 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:13 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:13 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 394ad602-6ec0-4120-bd73-a979265f9ea1 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorage with dataset Json config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:38:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:38:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:61) @component Feature: test AzureBlobStorageSAS components @component @AzureBlobStorageSAS Scenario: test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Csv # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:26 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:26 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:26 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: bae24cff-cbe4-449a-85c5-5fa2b39ac6c4 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:38:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:38:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:8) @component @AzureBlobStorageSAS Scenario: test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Avro # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:39 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: e45c3683-a5d4-478d-9176-a24e08f65448 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS with dataset Avro config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:38:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:38:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:14) @component @smoke @AzureBlobStorageSAS Scenario: test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Parquet # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:52 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:52 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:52 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7ff501f0-daee-4c6d-ad2b-3d7855c013fe for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:38:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS with dataset Parquet config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:38:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:38:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:38:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:20) @component @AzureBlobStorageSAS Scenario: Test -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Excel # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:22 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:06 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:06 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:06 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 9eebf9af-205e-499b-ba21-3aa795578ae7 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS with dataset Excel config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:39:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:39:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:25) @component @AzureBlobStorageSAS Scenario: Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Csv -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:28 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: bae24cff-cbe4-449a-85c5-5fa2b39ac6c4 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:39:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:39:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:31) @component @smoke @AzureBlobStorageSAS Scenario: Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Avro -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:34 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: e45c3683-a5d4-478d-9176-a24e08f65448 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS with dataset Avro config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:39:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:39:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:37) @component @AzureBlobStorageSAS Scenario: Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Parquet -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:40 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7ff501f0-daee-4c6d-ad2b-3d7855c013fe for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS with dataset Parquet config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:39:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:39:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:43) @component @AzureBlobStorageSAS Scenario: Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Excel -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:46 Nov 09, 2022 6:39:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 9eebf9af-205e-499b-ba21-3aa795578ae7 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:39:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureBlobStorageSAS with dataset Excel config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:39:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:40:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:49) @component Feature: test AzureCosmosDB components @component @smoke @AzureCosmosDB Scenario: test -> CosmosDB # features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:12 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:12 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:12 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 49ec989f-89e1-4ea4-aedf-738983359b80 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureCosmosDB is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureCosmosDB without dataset config for output component with Update config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:40:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:40:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:8) @component @smoke @AzureCosmosDB Scenario: CosmosDB -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:25 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:25 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 49ec989f-89e1-4ea4-aedf-738983359b80 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureCosmosDB is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureCosmosDB without dataset config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:40:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:40:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:14) @component Feature: test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with CSV # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:38 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:38 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:38 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 6d4e8af3-f8a1-40ac-9ee0-ac21ffe67203 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:40:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:40:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:8) @component @smoke @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 other settings with CSV # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:51 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 1015e8b0-38ef-4a7f-af47-a2a38776be2b for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:51 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3abf8c69-1502-4b91-9389-f4c57b8ed167 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:40:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset OtherSettings-Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:40:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:40:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:40:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:14) @component @smoke @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Tab settings with CSV # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:04 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:04 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:04 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 6f7be40a-ad4f-484d-a678-4a2e2455b064 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Tab-Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:41:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:41:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:20) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Avro # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:17 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:17 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:17 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: b8947513-9cb5-4721-84f9-11732db93085 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Avro config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:41:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:41:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:26) @component @smoke @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Json # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:29 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:30 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:30 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:30 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 108d1906-ca06-4fe3-9793-23ac4e277607 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Json config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:41:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:41:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:32) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Parquet # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:35 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:43 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:43 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:43 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 25ba4573-f457-4def-8373-37b71acd247b for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Parquet config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:41:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:41:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:38) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with CSV -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:41 Nov 09, 2022 6:41:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 6d4e8af3-f8a1-40ac-9ee0-ac21ffe67203 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:41:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:41:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:42:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:44) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 other settings with CSV -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:47 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:09 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:42:09 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3abf8c69-1502-4b91-9389-f4c57b8ed167 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:42:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset OtherSettings-Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:42:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:42:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:50) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Tab settings with CSV -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:53 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:22 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:42:22 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 6f7be40a-ad4f-484d-a678-4a2e2455b064 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:42:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Tab-Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:42:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:42:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:56) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Avro -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:59 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:35 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:42:35 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: b8947513-9cb5-4721-84f9-11732db93085 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:42:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Avro config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:42:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:42:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:62) @component @smoke @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Json -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:65 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:48 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:42:48 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 108d1906-ca06-4fe3-9793-23ac4e277607 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:42:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Json config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:42:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:42:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:42:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:68) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Parquet -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:71 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:01 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:01 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 25ba4573-f457-4def-8373-37b71acd247b for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with dataset Parquet config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:43:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:43:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:74) @component Feature: test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with CSV # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:14 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:14 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:14 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3a9186cd-5aa6-450a-9c42-0d18bf60e0c2 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:43:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:43:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:8) @component @smoke @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Avro # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:27 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:27 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:27 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: fd4edc9e-8b37-4b38-b3eb-42d694b9fe31 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with dataset Avro config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:43:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:43:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:14) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Json # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 64ecc0e5-182c-4752-aac3-4f851fccc032 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with dataset Json config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:43:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:43:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:20) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS Scenario: test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Parquet # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 6:43:53 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:53 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:53 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2d4e2748-eb50-4a2f-9308-cb13d30e40e5 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:43:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with dataset Parquet config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:43:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:43:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:26) @component @smoke @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with CSV -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:29 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:06 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:06 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3a9186cd-5aa6-450a-9c42-0d18bf60e0c2 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:44:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:44:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:32) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Avro -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:36 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:19 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:19 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: fd4edc9e-8b37-4b38-b3eb-42d694b9fe31 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with dataset Avro config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:44:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:44:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:39) @component @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Json -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:42 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 64ecc0e5-182c-4752-aac3-4f851fccc032 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with dataset Json config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:44:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:44:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:45) @component @smoke @AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS Scenario: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Parquet -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:48 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2d4e2748-eb50-4a2f-9308-cb13d30e40e5 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS with dataset Parquet config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:44:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:44:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:51) @component Feature: test AzureEventHubs components @component @smoke @AzureEventHubs Scenario: test -> Azure Event Hubs # features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:44:58 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:58 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:58 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2a19a3e1-c55d-4af0-b892-37b743de0afa for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:44:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureEventHubs with dataset Csv config for output component with RoundRobin config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:44:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:45:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:45:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:45:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:8) @component @smoke @AzureEventHubs Scenario: Azure Event Hubs -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:45:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:45:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2a19a3e1-c55d-4af0-b892-37b743de0afa for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:45:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureEventHubs with dataset Csv config for input component with Earliest config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:45:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:14) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component @smoke @AzureEventHubs Scenario: test -> Azure Event Hubs with AVRO # features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:18 Nov 09, 2022 6:46:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: cd2081a7-9d84-4f7c-ab8d-9bb66e9b6aa2 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:46:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 59e06c75-88e7-41df-8bb2-f394147051f9 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:46:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureEventHubs with dataset Avro config for output component with RoundRobin config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:46:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:46:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:46:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:46:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:21) @component @smoke @AzureEventHubs Scenario: Azure Event Hubs with AVRO -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:24 Nov 09, 2022 6:46:58 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:46:58 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 59e06c75-88e7-41df-8bb2-f394147051f9 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:46:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureEventHubs with dataset Avro config for input component with Earliest config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:46:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:27) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component @smoke @AzureEventHubs Scenario: test -> Azure Event Hubs with JSON # features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:31 Nov 09, 2022 6:48:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:48:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:48:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 887a66e5-3a27-4651-9db3-181065ac5906 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:48:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureEventHubs with dataset Json config for output component with RoundRobin config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:48:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:48:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:48:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:48:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:34) @component @smoke @AzureEventHubs Scenario: Azure Event Hubs with JSON -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:37 Nov 09, 2022 6:48:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:48:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 887a66e5-3a27-4651-9db3-181065ac5906 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:48:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureEventHubs with dataset Json config for input component with Earliest config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:48:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:40) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component @smoke @AzureEventHubs Scenario: test -> Azure Event Hubs with TEXT # features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:44 Nov 09, 2022 6:50:18 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 296728f5-6aae-432e-a265-c97d86b04968 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:50:18 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7388d1f3-c124-4030-be65-cdea7f08521d for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:50:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureEventHubs with dataset Text config for output component with RoundRobin config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:50:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:50:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:50:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:50:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:47) @component @smoke @AzureEventHubs Scenario: Azure Event Hubs with TEXT -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:50 Nov 09, 2022 6:50:31 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:50:31 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7388d1f3-c124-4030-be65-cdea7f08521d for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:50:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureEventHubs with dataset Text config for input component with Earliest config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:50:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:53) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component @smoke @AzureEventHubs Scenario: Azure Event Hubs with AVRO -> test # features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:58 Nov 09, 2022 6:52:04 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:52:04 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 59e06c75-88e7-41df-8bb2-f394147051f9 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:52:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureEventHubs is : 201 When user adds pipeline using AzureEventHubs with dataset Avro config for input component with Earliest_AzureSAS config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:52:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:61) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component @Box Feature: test Box components - Enterprise ID @component @Box @smoke @cleanUpBox Scenario: test data -> Box with CSV # features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:6 Box folders content is being removed - CleanUpHook Nov 09, 2022 6:53:44 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:53:44 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:53:44 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 0e570746-c6b4-4d28-807d-34d073226b29 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:53:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:53:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:53:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:53:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:53:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:9) @component @Box @smoke Scenario: Box with CSV -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:13 Nov 09, 2022 6:53:57 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:53:57 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 0e570746-c6b4-4d28-807d-34d073226b29 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:53:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:53:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:54:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:16) @component @Box Scenario: test data -> Box with Avro # features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:25 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:10 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:10 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:10 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 839845d5-81c1-46a3-bc09-ff86af943ae7 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id with dataset Avro config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:54:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:54:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:28) @component @Box Scenario: Box with Avro -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:31 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:23 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:23 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 839845d5-81c1-46a3-bc09-ff86af943ae7 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id with dataset Avro config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:54:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:54:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:34) @component @Box Scenario: test data -> Box with Json # features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:37 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 9d2f3fbd-e8a3-475f-9223-e4baf4837433 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id with dataset Json config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:54:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:54:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:40) @component @Box Scenario: Box with Json -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:43 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:49 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:49 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 9d2f3fbd-e8a3-475f-9223-e4baf4837433 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:54:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id with dataset Json config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:54:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:54:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:54:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:46) @component @Box Scenario: test data -> Box with Excel # features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:49 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 9657914b-2d02-42cd-8d69-c774437e1156 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id with dataset Excel config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:55:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:55:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:52) @component @Box Scenario: Box with Excel -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:55 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 9657914b-2d02-42cd-8d69-c774437e1156 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id with dataset Excel config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:55:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:55:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:58) @component @Box Scenario: Box with Excel (HTML) -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:61 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:28 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:28 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 5a4c6dab-42a9-42dc-b371-7a1dcef089da for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_Enterprise_Id with dataset Excel-HTML-Read config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:55:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:55:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:64) @component @Box Feature: test Box components - User ID @component @Box @cleanUpBox Scenario: test data -> Box with CSV # features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:6 Box folders content is being removed - CleanUpHook Nov 09, 2022 6:55:42 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:42 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:42 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f4a0ccb1-ce48-4a65-bd01-b25e68e538f4 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_User_Id with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:55:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:55:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:9) @component @Box Scenario: Box with CSV -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:12 Nov 09, 2022 6:55:55 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:55 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f4a0ccb1-ce48-4a65-bd01-b25e68e538f4 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:55:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_User_Id with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:55:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:55:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:15) @component @Box @smoke Scenario: test data -> Box with Avro # features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:25 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:08 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:08 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:08 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: d2a7e2d8-1ae7-4c9e-b1ce-e69204d408f1 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_User_Id with dataset Avro config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:56:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:56:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:28) @component @Box @smoke Scenario: Box with Avro -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:32 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:21 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:21 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: d2a7e2d8-1ae7-4c9e-b1ce-e69204d408f1 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_User_Id with dataset Avro config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:56:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:56:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:35) @component @Box Scenario: test data -> Box with Json # features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:38 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: d8eb3d0f-c06a-43d4-9a0e-97909f14012b for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_User_Id with dataset Json config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:56:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:56:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:41) @component @Box Scenario: Box with Json -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:44 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:47 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:47 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: d8eb3d0f-c06a-43d4-9a0e-97909f14012b for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:56:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_User_Id with dataset Json config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:56:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:56:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:56:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:47) @component @Box Scenario: test data -> Box with Excel # features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:50 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:01 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:01 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:01 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: a2d61f21-9b29-45a9-8ae3-2d140447fb72 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_User_Id with dataset Excel config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:57:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:57:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:53) @component @Box Scenario: Box with Excel -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:56 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:14 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:14 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: a2d61f21-9b29-45a9-8ae3-2d140447fb72 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_User_Id with dataset Excel config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:57:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:57:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:59) @component @Box Scenario: Box with Excel (HTML) -> test # features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:62 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:27 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:27 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 80bf4c3b-0f92-46e4-af36-ddf6400eeb80 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Box_User_Id is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Box_User_Id with dataset Excel-HTML-Read config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:57:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:57:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:65) @component Feature: test Couchbase components @component @Couchbase Scenario: Couchbase -> test # features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: ae535680-4227-4ceb-8374-9d7dcd72b6dc for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Couchbase is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Couchbase with dataset JSON config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:57:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:57:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:8) @component @Couchbase Scenario: test -> Couchbase # features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:57:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: ae535680-4227-4ceb-8374-9d7dcd72b6dc for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:57:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Couchbase is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Couchbase with dataset JSON config for output component with Insert config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:57:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:57:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:14) @component @Database Feature: all Aurora components @component @Database @smoke @Aurora Scenario: test data -> Amazon Aurora # features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: b179f149-43dc-4e1b-96b2-9ab94034a328 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Aurora is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using Aurora with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:58:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:58:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:8) @component @Database @smoke @Aurora Scenario: Amazon Aurora -> test # features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: b179f149-43dc-4e1b-96b2-9ab94034a328 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Aurora is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using Aurora with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:58:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:58:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:14) @component @Database Feature: test AzureSynabase components @component @Database @AzureSynapse Scenario: test data -> Azure Synabase with bulkload # features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 15670c28-dcb4-440d-80fa-2fb629b0de93 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureSynapse is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using AzureSynapse with dataset Table config for output component with Bulkload-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:58:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:58:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, cannot identify an available engine based on the information provided] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:8) @component @Database @AzureSynapse Scenario: test data -> Azure Synabase # features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:47 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:47 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:47 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 15670c28-dcb4-440d-80fa-2fb629b0de93 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:58:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureSynapse is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using AzureSynapse with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:58:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:58:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:58:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:14) @component @Database @AzureSynapse Scenario: Azure Synabase -> test # features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:00 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:00 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 15670c28-dcb4-440d-80fa-2fb629b0de93 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using AzureSynapse is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using AzureSynapse with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:59:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:59:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:20) @component @Database Feature: test DeltaLake components @component @Database @smoke @DeltaLake Scenario: test data -> DeltaLake # features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:14 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:14 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:14 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: dcab34eb-51c5-4975-a250-0b99e0e04e92 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using DeltaLake is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using DeltaLake with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:59:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:59:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:8) @component @Database @smoke @DeltaLake Scenario: DeltaLake -> test # features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:27 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:27 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: dcab34eb-51c5-4975-a250-0b99e0e04e92 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using DeltaLake is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using DeltaLake with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:59:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:59:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:14) @component @Database Feature: test Derby components @component @Database @smoke @Derby Scenario: test data -> Derby # features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:41 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:41 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:41 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7ac38671-fb17-4d3d-b0b5-1453a1ff0b0b for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Derby is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using Derby with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:59:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:59:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:8) @component @Database @smoke @Derby Scenario: Derby -> test # features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 6:59:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7ac38671-fb17-4d3d-b0b5-1453a1ff0b0b for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 6:59:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Derby is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using Derby with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 6:59:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 6:59:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:14) @component @Database Feature: test Mssql components @component @Database @smoke @MSSQL Scenario: test data -> Amazon MSSQL # features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:08 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:08 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:08 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: d590b983-d25c-4cf6-a4e5-00912a4453a2 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MSSQL is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MSSQL with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:00:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:00:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:8) @component @Database @smoke @MSSQL Scenario: test data -> Amazon MSSQL with the authentication type of basic # features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:21 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:21 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:21 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 51429ad2-abb5-466f-a8ac-8d3cd2034591 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MSSQLBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MSSQLBasic with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:00:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:00:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:14) @component @Database @smoke @MSSQL Scenario: Amazon MSSQL -> test # features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:35 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:35 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: d590b983-d25c-4cf6-a4e5-00912a4453a2 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MSSQL is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MSSQL with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:00:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:00:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:20) @component @Database @smoke @MSSQL Scenario: Amazon MSSQL with the authentication type of basic -> test # features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:48 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:48 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 51429ad2-abb5-466f-a8ac-8d3cd2034591 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:00:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MSSQLBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MSSQLBasic with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:00:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:00:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:00:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:26) @component @Database Feature: test MariaDB components @component @Database @smoke @MariaDB Scenario: test data -> Amazon MariaDB # features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 8e78ae84-9692-42ca-a10a-839bdc596e4a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MariaDB is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MariaDB with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:01:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:01:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:8) @component @Database @smoke @MariaDB Scenario: test data -> Amazon MariaDB with the authentication type of basic # features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2f7eaecb-5657-4cf7-af50-80e1cb425895 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MariaDBBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MariaDBBasic with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:01:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:01:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:14) @component @Database @smoke @MariaDB Scenario: Amazon MariaDB -> test # features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:29 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:29 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 8e78ae84-9692-42ca-a10a-839bdc596e4a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MariaDB is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MariaDB with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:01:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:01:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:20) @component @Database @smoke @MariaDB Scenario: Amazon MariaDB with the authentication type of basic-> test # features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:42 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:42 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2f7eaecb-5657-4cf7-af50-80e1cb425895 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MariaDBBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MariaDBBasic with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:01:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:01:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:26) @component @Database Feature: test Mysql components @component @Database @smoke @MySql Scenario: test data -> Amazon Mysql # features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:01:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 36fb4e14-1a33-4de6-bd6e-69795c8df0b6 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:01:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MySQL is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MySQL with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:01:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:01:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:8) @component @Database @smoke @MySql Scenario: test data -> Amazon Mysql with the authentication type of basic # features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:09 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:09 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:09 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f8cb8348-5405-486f-a834-5ef68420ded1 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MySQLBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MySQLBasic with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:02:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:02:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:14) @component @Database @smoke @MySql Scenario: Amazon MySQL -> test # features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:23 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:23 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 36fb4e14-1a33-4de6-bd6e-69795c8df0b6 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MySQL is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MySQL with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:02:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:02:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:20) @component @Database @smoke @MySql Scenario: Amazon Mysql with the authentication type of basic -> test # features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f8cb8348-5405-486f-a834-5ef68420ded1 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MySQLBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using MySQLBasic with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:02:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:02:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:26) @component @Database Feature: test PostgreSQL components @component @Database @smoke @PostgreSQL Scenario: test data -> Amazon PostgreSQL # features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 0f78c7fe-9bfd-4dff-bf81-6591bd557790 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:02:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using PostgreSQL is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using PostgreSQL with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:02:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:02:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:02:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:8) @component @Database @smoke @PostgreSQL Scenario: test data -> Amazon PostgreSQL with the authentication type of basic # features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 4c63592c-1161-4166-87aa-4756b9c1416a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using PostgreSQLBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using PostgreSQLBasic with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:03:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:03:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:14) @component @Database @smoke @PostgreSQL Scenario: Amazon PostgreSQL -> test # features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:17 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:17 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 0f78c7fe-9bfd-4dff-bf81-6591bd557790 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using PostgreSQL is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using PostgreSQL with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:03:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:03:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:20) @component @Database @smoke @PostgreSQL Scenario: Amazon PostgreSQL with the authentication type of basic -> test # features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:30 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:30 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 4c63592c-1161-4166-87aa-4756b9c1416a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using PostgreSQLBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using PostgreSQLBasic with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:03:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:03:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:26) @component @Database Feature: test RedShift components @component @Database @smoke @RedShift Scenario: test data -> Amazon RedShift # features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:44 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:44 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:44 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 78306357-342f-4433-877e-f0360c521790 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Redshift is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using Redshift with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:03:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:03:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:8) @component @Database @RedShift Scenario: test data -> Amazon RedShift with bulkload # features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:03:57 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:57 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:57 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 78306357-342f-4433-877e-f0360c521790 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:03:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Redshift is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using Redshift with dataset Table config for output component with Bulkload-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:03:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:04:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, cannot identify an available engine based on the information provided] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:14) @component @Database @smoke @RedShift Scenario: Amazon RedShift -> test # features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 78306357-342f-4433-877e-f0360c521790 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Redshift is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using Redshift with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:04:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:04:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:20) @component @Database Feature: test SingleStore components @component @Database @SingleStore Scenario: SingleStore -> test # features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 572537f6-4e8c-4cd6-bab7-b874c3020342 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using SingleStore is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using SingleStore with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:04:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:04:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:8) @component @Database @SingleStore Scenario: test data -> SingleStore # features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:38 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:38 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:38 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 572537f6-4e8c-4cd6-bab7-b874c3020342 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using SingleStore is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using SingleStore with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:04:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:04:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:14) @component @Database Feature: test Snowflake components @component @Database @smoke @Snowflake Scenario: test data -> Snowflake # features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:51 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:51 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:51 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 77d89f0e-b5b5-4d20-899b-434d90a56898 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:04:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Snowflake is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using Snowflake with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:04:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:04:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:04:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:8) @component @Database @smoke @Snowflake Scenario: Snowflake -> test # features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:05 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:05 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 77d89f0e-b5b5-4d20-899b-434d90a56898 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Snowflake is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using Snowflake with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:05:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:05:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:14) @component @Database @Snowflake @smoke Scenario: test data -> Snowflake with the authentication type of basic # features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:18 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:18 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:18 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 492885f0-7076-4aed-a33f-6b419a41823a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using SnowflakeBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using SnowflakeBasic with dataset Table config for output component with Insert-CreateTable config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:05:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:05:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:20) @component @Database @Snowflake @smoke Scenario: Snowflake with the authentication type of basic -> test # features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 492885f0-7076-4aed-a33f-6b419a41823a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using SnowflakeBasic is : 201 When user adds database pipeline using SnowflakeBasic with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addDatabasePipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:05:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:05:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:26) @component Feature: test ElasticSearch component @component @smoke @ElasticSearch Scenario: test data -> elasticsearch # features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 8457ccc0-ea1e-4f3c-a1e9-d2e56f67bbcd for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using ElasticSearch is : 201 When user adds pipeline using ElasticSearch without dataset config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:05:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:05:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:8) @component @smoke @ElasticSearch Scenario: elasticsearch -> test # features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:05:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:05:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 8457ccc0-ea1e-4f3c-a1e9-d2e56f67bbcd for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using ElasticSearch is : 201 When user adds pipeline using ElasticSearch without dataset config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:06:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:06:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:14) @component Feature: test FTP components @component @smoke @FTP Scenario: test -> FTP with CSV # features/connectors/FTP.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:13 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:13 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:13 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 6bbaaf68-34a6-401c-9a31-751cbbbb5182 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using FTP is : 201 When user adds pipeline using FTP with dataset Csv config for output component with Size config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:06:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:06:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/FTP.feature:8) @component @smoke @FTP Scenario: FTP with CSV -> test # features/connectors/FTP.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:26 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:26 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 6bbaaf68-34a6-401c-9a31-751cbbbb5182 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using FTP is : 201 When user adds pipeline using FTP with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:06:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:06:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/FTP.feature:14) @component Feature: test GoogleBigQuery components @component @smoke @GoogleBigQuery Scenario: test data -> bigquery # features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: ac3ac9b9-0ab2-4a8e-a6e5-64c0dd868416 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleBigQuery is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleBigQuery with dataset Table config for output component with Create config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:06:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:06:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:8) @component @smoke @GoogleBigQuery Scenario: bigquery -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:06:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: ac3ac9b9-0ab2-4a8e-a6e5-64c0dd868416 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:06:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleBigQuery is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleBigQuery with dataset Table config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:06:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:06:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:14) @component Feature: test GoogleCloudStorage components @component @smoke @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with CSV # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:07:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f5eb4e5b-0f10-4d6e-b2f7-e7200321f627 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:07:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:07:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:07:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:8) @component @smoke @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with CSV -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:21 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:07:21 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f5eb4e5b-0f10-4d6e-b2f7-e7200321f627 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:07:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:07:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:07:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:14) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with path # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:24 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:07:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: b2869a00-2516-4055-a848-24b4b496666e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:07:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset Path config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:07:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:07:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:27) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with path -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:31 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:48 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:07:48 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: b2869a00-2516-4055-a848-24b4b496666e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:07:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset Path config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:07:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:07:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:07:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:34) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO JSON # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:44 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 8ab78ca9-b0bf-4e8b-824b-133119e3f2fc for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-JSON config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:08:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:08:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:47) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO JSON -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:51 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 8ab78ca9-b0bf-4e8b-824b-133119e3f2fc for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-JSON config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:08:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:08:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:54) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO AVRO # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:64 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:29 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:29 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3e00d473-9ea6-4ea6-8108-4a26af17ed51 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-AVRO config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:08:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:08:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:67) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO AVRO -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:71 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:43 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:43 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 3e00d473-9ea6-4ea6-8108-4a26af17ed51 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-AVRO config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:08:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:08:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:74) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel97 # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:78 Nov 09, 2022 7:08:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 8c2daa55-857b-4b98-8449-388397c4c929 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:08:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-Excel97 config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:08:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:09:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:81) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel97 -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:85 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:10 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:09:10 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 8c2daa55-857b-4b98-8449-388397c4c929 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:09:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-Excel97 config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:09:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:09:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:88) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel2007 # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:92 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:09:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2cb45ed7-5d80-4b9d-944a-097c0feae105 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:09:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-Excel2007 config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:09:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:09:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:95) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel2007 -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:99 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:09:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2cb45ed7-5d80-4b9d-944a-097c0feae105 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:09:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-Excel2007 config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:09:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:09:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:102) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Linux Type # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:106 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:51 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:09:51 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: ce6725fc-01d2-48a6-a253-f79c7399f37c for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:09:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-LinuxType config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:09:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:09:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:09:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:109) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Linux Type -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:113 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:05 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:10:05 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: ce6725fc-01d2-48a6-a253-f79c7399f37c for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:10:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-LinuxType config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:10:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:10:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:116) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Windows Type # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:120 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:18 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:10:18 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 4aba5d1e-9707-44b2-b6ed-95491b48d1eb for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:10:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-WindowsType config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:10:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:10:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:123) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Windows Type -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:127 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:10:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 4aba5d1e-9707-44b2-b6ed-95491b48d1eb for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:10:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-WindowsType config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:10:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:10:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:130) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV ISO-8859-15 # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:134 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:10:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 420677b0-a93c-4a94-bfb5-3a8716b884ea for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:10:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-ISO-8859-15 config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:10:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:10:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:10:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:137) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV ISO-8859-15 -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:141 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:00 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:00 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 420677b0-a93c-4a94-bfb5-3a8716b884ea for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-ISO-8859-15 config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:11:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:11:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:144) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Header # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:148 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:13 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:13 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 02792e58-8f29-4b36-8e16-dd43a9890fb8 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-Header config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:11:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:11:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:151) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Header -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:155 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:27 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:27 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 02792e58-8f29-4b36-8e16-dd43a9890fb8 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-Header config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:11:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:11:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:158) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV PipeFieldSeparator # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:162 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:41 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:41 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 055895a5-3a0b-474a-8013-3189e4730e71 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-PipeFieldSeparator config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:11:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:11:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:165) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV PipeFieldSeparator -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:169 Nov 09, 2022 7:11:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 055895a5-3a0b-474a-8013-3189e4730e71 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:11:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-PipeFieldSeparator config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:11:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:11:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:172) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV SemicolonFieldSeparator # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:176 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:08 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:12:08 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f2cb76bf-9214-47c4-9cc5-09023c71d23e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:12:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-SemicolonFieldSeparator config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:12:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:12:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:179) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV SemicolonFieldSeparator -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:183 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:22 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:12:22 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f2cb76bf-9214-47c4-9cc5-09023c71d23e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:12:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-SemicolonFieldSeparator config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:12:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:12:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:186) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced EscapeCharacter # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:190 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:12:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: ce662aee-cf1c-4041-beaf-6de5835db3e4 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:12:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-Advanced-EscapeCharacter config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:12:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:12:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:193) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced EscapeCharacter -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:197 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:12:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: ce662aee-cf1c-4041-beaf-6de5835db3e4 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:12:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-Advanced-EscapeCharacter config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:12:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:12:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:12:57 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:200) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced QuoteCharacter # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:204 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 7b8f3a1a-72a1-43be-9548-6a2daff8149c for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: e1ae3318-f5ea-4c52-8ec0-a960ab541c36 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-Advanced-QuoteCharacter config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:13:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:13:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:207) @component @GoogleCloudStorage Scenario: Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced QuoteCharacter -> test # features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:211 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:17 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:17 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: e1ae3318-f5ea-4c52-8ec0-a960ab541c36 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GoogleCloudStorage with dataset CommonIO-CSV-Advanced-QuoteCharacter config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:13:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:13:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:214) @component Feature: test GooglePubSub components @component @smoke @GooglePubSub Scenario: test data -> PubSub with CSV # features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:6 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:31 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: bf8b2204-fac4-48cc-95ce-ac88e6333be6 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:31 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 452b2425-cbcb-4bf0-9c43-f9732ffb526a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GooglePubSub is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GooglePubSub with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:13:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:13:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:9) @component @GooglePubSub Scenario: test data -> PubSub with text # features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:13 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: fff12326-0964-481b-bf2c-53faf84428a5 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 30fe830d-07b8-4feb-bdba-4020885c3538 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GooglePubSub is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GooglePubSub with dataset Text config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:13:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:13:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:16) @component @GooglePubSub Scenario: test data -> PubSub with Avro # features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:20 Nov 09, 2022 7:13:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: fff12326-0964-481b-bf2c-53faf84428a5 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 12297705-432f-4258-b147-f1956a1077b8 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:13:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GooglePubSub is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GooglePubSub with dataset Avro config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:13:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:14:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:14:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:14:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:23) @component @GooglePubSub Scenario: test data -> PubSub with JSON # features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:27 Nov 09, 2022 7:14:13 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: fff12326-0964-481b-bf2c-53faf84428a5 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:14:13 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 04c676d5-ade3-4725-bded-fe2f39dfc0b6 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:14:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GooglePubSub is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GooglePubSub with dataset JSON config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:14:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:14:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:14:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:14:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:30) @component @GooglePubSub Scenario: PubSub with CSV -> test # features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:34 Nov 09, 2022 7:14:26 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:14:26 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 452b2425-cbcb-4bf0-9c43-f9732ffb526a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:14:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GooglePubSub is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GooglePubSub with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:14:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:37) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component @GooglePubSub Scenario: PubSub with text -> test # features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:42 Nov 09, 2022 7:16:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:16:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 30fe830d-07b8-4feb-bdba-4020885c3538 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:16:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GooglePubSub is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GooglePubSub with dataset Text config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:16:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:45) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component @smoke @GooglePubSub Scenario: PubSub with Avro -> test # features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:50 Nov 09, 2022 7:17:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:17:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 12297705-432f-4258-b147-f1956a1077b8 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:17:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GooglePubSub is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GooglePubSub with dataset Avro config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:17:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:53) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component @GooglePubSub Scenario: PubSub with JSON -> test # features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:59 Nov 09, 2022 7:19:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:19:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 04c676d5-ade3-4725-bded-fe2f39dfc0b6 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:19:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using GooglePubSub is : 201 When user adds pipeline using GooglePubSub with dataset JSON config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:19:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:62) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component Feature: test HDFS components @component @HDFS Scenario: test data -> HDFS # features/connectors/HDFS.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:20:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:20:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:20:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: dbb1bc6a-e515-4220-9065-edfa64e459c4 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:20:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using HDFS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using HDFS with dataset Csv config for output component with OverwriteMerge config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:20:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:20:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:20:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:20:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/HDFS.feature:8) @component @HDFS Scenario: HDFS -> test # features/connectors/HDFS.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:20:58 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:20:58 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: dbb1bc6a-e515-4220-9065-edfa64e459c4 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:20:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using HDFS is : 201 When user adds pipeline using HDFS with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:20:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:21:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/HDFS.feature:14) @component Feature: test kafka components @component @Kafka Scenario: test data -> kafka with csv # features/connectors/Kafka.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f37cf387-5509-48c7-a368-6e8246c0bd72 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Kafka is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Kafka with dataset Csv config for output component with RoundRobin config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:21:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:21:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:8) @component @smoke @Kafka Scenario: test data -> kafka with json # features/connectors/Kafka.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2c1cdc67-aa03-4e70-938c-a75bd3427c01 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Kafka is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Kafka with dataset Json config for output component with RoundRobin config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:21:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:21:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:14) @component @Kafka Scenario: test data -> kafka with avro # features/connectors/Kafka.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 9d6c8a5b-542d-4a1d-bb4e-4b4312e0d56c for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Kafka is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Kafka with dataset Avro config for output component with RoundRobin config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:21:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:21:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:20) @component @smoke @Kafka Scenario: kafka with csv -> test # features/connectors/Kafka.feature:23 Nov 09, 2022 7:21:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: f37cf387-5509-48c7-a368-6e8246c0bd72 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:21:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Kafka is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Kafka with dataset Csv config for input component with Latest config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:21:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:26) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component Feature: test Kudu components @component @smoke @Kudu Scenario: test -> Kudu # features/connectors/Kudu.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:23:23 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:23:23 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:23:23 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: c1f2f928-26de-4068-9f22-cf0fdadd4aa5 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:23:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Kudu is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Kudu without dataset config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:23:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:23:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:23:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:23:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kudu.feature:8) @component @smoke @Kudu Scenario: Kudu -> test # features/connectors/Kudu.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:23:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:23:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: c1f2f928-26de-4068-9f22-cf0fdadd4aa5 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:23:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Kudu is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Kudu without dataset config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:23:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:23:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:23:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:23:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kudu.feature:14) @component Feature: test Local Connection components @component @smoke @LocalConnection Scenario: test -> Local Connection with CSV # features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:23:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:23:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:23:50 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 57638b5f-d1a4-4f88-8a13-a27b11740cf8 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:23:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using LocalConnection is : 201 When user adds pipeline using LocalConnection with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:23:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:23:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:23:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:23:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:8) @component @smoke @LocalConnection Scenario: Local Connection with CSV -> test # features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:03 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 57638b5f-d1a4-4f88-8a13-a27b11740cf8 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using LocalConnection is : 201 When user adds pipeline using LocalConnection with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:24:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:24:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:14) @component Feature: test Marketo components @component @smoke @Marketo Scenario: marketo -> test # features/connectors/Marketo.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 6f2fdcdf-aba6-4660-8dfe-220c77e7e99e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Marketo is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Marketo with dataset People config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:24:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:24:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Marketo.feature:8) @component @smoke @Marketo Scenario: test -> marketo # features/connectors/Marketo.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:28 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:28 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:28 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 6f2fdcdf-aba6-4660-8dfe-220c77e7e99e for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Marketo is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Marketo with dataset People config for output component with CreateOrUpdate config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:24:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:24:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Marketo.feature:14) @component Feature: test MongoDB components @component @smoke @MongoDB Scenario: MongoDB -> test # features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:41 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:41 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: b1ed0d34-adcf-471e-8535-efd7e33e08a5 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MongoDB is : 201 When user adds pipeline using MongoDB with dataset Collection-Json config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:24:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:24:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:8) @component @smoke @MongoDB Scenario: test -> MongoDB # features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:24:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: b1ed0d34-adcf-471e-8535-efd7e33e08a5 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:24:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using MongoDB is : 201 When user adds pipeline using MongoDB with dataset Collection-Json config for output component with Insert config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:24:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:24:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:14) @component @smoke Feature: test NetSuite components @component @smoke @NetSuite Scenario: netsuite -> test # features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:25:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: a93dcf25-8364-49a6-ba31-5b8934f9aefa for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:25:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using NetSuite is : 201 When user adds pipeline using NetSuite without dataset config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:25:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:25:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:8) @component @smoke @NetSuite Scenario: test -> netsuite using update # features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 1aa4ac1b-6e54-477b-9f21-df3c97adc861 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:25:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: a93dcf25-8364-49a6-ba31-5b8934f9aefa for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:25:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using NetSuite is : 201 When user adds pipeline using NetSuite without dataset config for output component with Update config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:25:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:25:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:14) @component Feature: test Pulsar components @component @smoke @Pulsar Scenario: test data -> Pulsar with CSV # features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:25:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:25:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 16b46d12-5efe-4113-a41f-e37687db431d for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:25:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Pulsar is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Pulsar with dataset Csv config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:25:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:25:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:8) @component @smoke @Pulsar Scenario: Pulsar with CSV -> test # features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:25:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:25:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 16b46d12-5efe-4113-a41f-e37687db431d for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:25:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Pulsar is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Pulsar with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:25:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:14) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component Feature: test REST components @component @smoke @REST Scenario: test data -> rest # features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:27:19 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:27:19 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:27:19 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 1910454d-c9f1-4ca6-a237-6d27a2e0956a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:27:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using REST is : 201 When user adds pipeline using REST with dataset Batch config for output component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:27:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:27:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:27:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:27:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:8) @component @smoke @REST Scenario: rest -> test # features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:27:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:27:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 1910454d-c9f1-4ca6-a237-6d27a2e0956a for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:27:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using REST is : 201 When user adds pipeline using REST with dataset Batch config for input component with Batch config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:27:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:27:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:27:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:27:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:14) @component @REST Scenario: rest using polling -> test # features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 7:27:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:27:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 8a4ec8e2-457c-4d0a-b3dd-b914c6bcd8cc for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:27:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using REST is : 201 When user adds pipeline using REST with dataset Streaming config for input component with Streaming config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:27:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds # AddPipelineStep.runningStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:20) When user kills the running pipeline # AddPipelineStep.killPipeline() @component @REST Scenario: rest with header parameter -> test # features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:25 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:19 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:29:19 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: d778f500-0228-4a39-9226-e7c73f393c29 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:29:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using REST is : 201 When user adds pipeline using REST with dataset Header-Parameter config for input component with Batch config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:29:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:29:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:28) @component @REST Scenario: rest with URL parameter -> test # features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:32 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:29:32 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 1e469c8d-f2e1-4906-adec-833c299f5621 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:29:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using REST is : 201 When user adds pipeline using REST with dataset URL-Parameter config for input component with Batch config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:29:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:29:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:35) @component Feature: test REST_Authentication components @component @REST Scenario: REST with basic authentication -> test # features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Basic.feature:6 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:29:45 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 9d9abcbc-511d-4355-9526-8d7317f28969 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:29:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using REST_Authentication_Basic is : 201 When user adds pipeline using REST_Authentication_Basic with dataset Basic_Auth config for input component with Batch config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:29:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:29:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Basic.feature:9) @component Feature: test REST_Authentication components @component @REST Scenario: REST with digest authentication -> test # features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Digest.feature:6 Nov 09, 2022 7:29:58 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:29:58 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: bd5178e0-9b62-4ea4-8035-2184da588834 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:29:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using REST_Authentication_Digest is : 201 When user adds pipeline using REST_Authentication_Digest with dataset Digest_Auth config for input component with Batch config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:29:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:30:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Digest.feature:9) @component Feature: test REST_HTTPBin components @component @REST Scenario: rest with path parameter -> test # features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:6 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:30:11 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 2d96e4e2-b43f-4342-866e-852ac72a590d for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:30:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using REST_HTTPBin is : 201 When user adds pipeline using REST_HTTPBin with dataset Path-Parameter config for input component with Batch config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:30:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:30:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:9) @component @REST Scenario: rest with body parameter -> test # features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:13 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:30:24 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 663d26e7-f3fc-43c0-98ea-8bd060dad56d for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:30:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using REST_HTTPBin is : 201 When user adds pipeline using REST_HTTPBin with dataset Body-Parameter config for input component with Batch config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:30:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:30:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:16) @component Feature: test SFTP components @component @smoke @SFTP Scenario: test -> SFTP with CSV # features/connectors/SFTP.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction updatePLDependency INFO: No dataset setting found in Default dataset - "Test" will be use for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:30:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:30:36 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 27c33b51-83d7-4aee-9a91-842025c21fb2 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:30:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using SFTP is : 201 When user adds pipeline using SFTP with dataset Csv config for output component with Size config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:30:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:30:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/SFTP.feature:8) @component @smoke @SFTP Scenario: SFTP with CSV -> test # features/connectors/SFTP.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:49 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:30:49 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 27c33b51-83d7-4aee-9a91-842025c21fb2 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:30:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using SFTP is : 201 When user adds pipeline using SFTP with dataset Csv config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:30:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:30:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:30:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/SFTP.feature:14) @component Feature: test Salesforce components @component @smoke @Salesforce Scenario: salesforce -> test # features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:02 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: aa41803c-40eb-46e0-9554-fbe6c34d5e37 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Salesforce is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Salesforce with dataset Module config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:31:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:31:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:8) @component @Salesforce Scenario: salesforce query -> test # features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:15 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 230fe22a-63ee-4684-83a3-f8ddc108e9af for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Salesforce is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Salesforce with dataset Query config for input component with Query config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:31:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:31:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:14) @component @smoke @Salesforce Scenario: test -> salesforce # features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:17 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:28 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 071be5a3-c41f-4d2a-ac57-eefa16e464c0 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:28 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: aa41803c-40eb-46e0-9554-fbe6c34d5e37 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Salesforce is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Salesforce with dataset Module config for output component with Insert config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String,String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:31:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:31:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:20) @component @Workday Feature: test Workday components @component @Workday Scenario: workdayRaaS -> test # features/connectors/Workday.feature:10 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:41 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:41 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 941fa143-d6b4-42a8-ab88-1b269b0b07fd for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Workday is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Workday with dataset RaaS config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:31:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:31:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Workday.feature:13) @component @Workday Scenario: workdayWSSA -> test # features/connectors/Workday.feature:15 Nov 09, 2022 7:31:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:54 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 13b830fb-0bb3-43b9-9134-7d1799e51b83 for {dataset_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:31:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using Workday is : 201 When user adds pipeline using Workday with dataset WSSA config for input component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipeline(String,String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:31:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:31:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Workday.feature:18) @processor @component Feature: all processors @processor @component @smoke Scenario: test dataset -> Filter -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:5 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:07 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:32:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-filter is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-filter processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:32:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:32:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:8) @processor @component @smoke Scenario: test dataset -> Field Selector -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:11 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:32:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-fieldselector is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-fieldselector processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:32:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:32:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:14) @processor @component Scenario: test dataset -> Normalize -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:16 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:33 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:32:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-normalize is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-normalize processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:32:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:32:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:19) @processor @component @smoke Scenario: test dataset -> Python -> S3 # features/processors/Processors.feature:22 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:46 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:32:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-normalize is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-normalize processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:32:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:32:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:25) @processor @component Scenario: test dataset -> Replica -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:27 Nov 09, 2022 7:32:59 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:32:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-replica is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-replica processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:32:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:33:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:30) @processor @component @join Scenario: test dataset -> Join -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:33 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:12 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:33:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-join is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-join processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:33:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:33:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:36) @processor @component @smoke Scenario: test dataset -> Type Converter -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:39 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:25 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:33:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-typeconverter is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-typeconverter processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:33:25 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:33:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:42) @processor @component @smoke Scenario: test dataset -> Aggregate -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:45 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:38 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:33:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-aggregate is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-aggregate processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:33:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:33:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:48) @processor @component @smoke Scenario: test dataset -> Split -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:51 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:51 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:33:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-split is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-split processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:33:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:33:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:33:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:54) @processor @component @2020-07 Scenario: test dataset -> Math -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:57 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:04 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:34:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-math is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-math processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:34:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:34:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:60) @processor @component Scenario: test dataset -> Phones -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:62 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:17 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:34:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-phones is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-phones processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:34:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:34:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:65) @processor @component @smoke Scenario: test dataset -> DataCleansing -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:68 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:30 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:34:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-datacleansing is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-datacleansing processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:34:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:34:33 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:40 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:71) @processor @component @smoke Scenario: test dataset -> Strings -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:74 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:43 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:34:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-strings is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-strings processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:34:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:34:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:77) @processor @component @release @smoke Scenario: test dataset -> Dates -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:80 Nov 09, 2022 7:34:56 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:34:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-dates is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-dates processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:34:56 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:35:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:83) @processor @component @2020-07-EAP @2020-07 Scenario: test dataset -> DataHashing -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:86 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:09 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:35:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-datahashing is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-datahashing processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:35:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:35:13 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:89) @processor @component @2020-09-EAP Scenario: test dataset -> Numbers -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:92 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:22 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:35:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-numbers is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-numbers processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:35:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:35:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:95) @processor @component @2020-09-EAP Scenario: test dataset -> Fields Concatenator -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:98 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:35 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:35:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-fieldsconcatenator is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-fieldsconcatenator processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:35:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:35:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:101) @processor @component Scenario: test dataset -> Data Sampling -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:103 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:48 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:35:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-datasampling is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-datasampling processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:35:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:35:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:35:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:106) @processor @component @RunPreparation Scenario: test dataset -> Run preparation -> test # features/processors/Processors.feature:109 When user adds a preparation # UtilStep.addPreparation() Nov 09, 2022 7:36:20 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:36:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-runpreparation is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-runpreparation processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:36:21 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Nov 09, 2022 7:36:24 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:36:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Nov 09, 2022 7:36:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished" # AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus() java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:113) @component @processor @smoke Feature: Python2 security @component @processor @smoke Scenario: import library denies # features/processors/Python2.feature:4 Nov 09, 2022 7:36:34 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:36:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-python2-subprocess is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-python2-subprocess processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:36:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message UnknownReason # AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline(String) java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message UnknownReason(features/processors/Python2.feature:7) @component @processor @smoke Scenario: reading file denies # features/processors/Python2.feature:9 Nov 09, 2022 7:36:37 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:36:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-python2-reading-file is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-python2-reading-file processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:36:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message UnknownReason # AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline(String) java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message UnknownReason(features/processors/Python2.feature:12) @component @processor @smoke @skipOnat @skipOnqa @skipOnstaging @skipOnaz-staging @skipOnap @skipOnus @skipOneu @skipOnap @skipOnus-west Feature: Python3 security @component @processor @smoke @skipOnat @skipOnqa @skipOnstaging @skipOnaz-staging @skipOnap @skipOnus @skipOneu @skipOnap @skipOnus-west Scenario: deny telnetlib library # features/processors/Python3.feature:4 Nov 09, 2022 7:36:40 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:36:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-python3-telnetlib is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-python3-telnetlib processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:36:41 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message The import 'telnetlib' cannot be used # AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline(String) java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message The import 'telnetlib' cannot be used(features/processors/Python3.feature:7) @component @processor @smoke @skipOnat @skipOnqa @skipOnstaging @skipOnaz-staging @skipOnap @skipOnus @skipOneu @skipOnap @skipOnus-west Scenario: deny socket library # features/processors/Python3.feature:9 Nov 09, 2022 7:36:44 PM utils.payloadAction.TPDPayloadAction replaceidentifier INFO: Using Dataset: 86531ea9-db39-4115-be0d-c65558ae0136 for {os-test_id} Nov 09, 2022 7:36:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation userAddsPipeline INFO: Status code for adding pipeline using proc-python3-socket is : 201 When user adds pipeline using proc-python3-socket processor to test processor component without config # AddPipelineStep.addPipelineWithSetting(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:36:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation runPipeline INFO: Status code for running pipeline is 200 When run the inject pipeline # AddPipelineStep.runPipeline() Then the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message The import 'socket' cannot be used # AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline(String) java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message The import 'socket' cannot be used(features/processors/Python3.feature:12) @sample @component Feature: Amazon service sample test @sample @component Scenario: check Kinesis sample # features/sample/AmazonService-Sample.feature:4 When user refresh AmazonKinesis without dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:36:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:37:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AmazonKinesis without dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String) @sample @component @Amazon-S3 @smoke Scenario: check s3 with avro sample # features/sample/AmazonService-Sample.feature:9 When user refresh AmazonS3 with Avro dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:37:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:37:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AmazonS3 with Avro dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @Amazon-S3 Scenario: check s3 with excel sample # features/sample/AmazonService-Sample.feature:14 When user refresh AmazonS3 with Excel dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:37:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:37:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:37:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:38:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:38:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AmazonS3 with Excel dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @Amazon-S3 Scenario: check s3 with parquet sample # features/sample/AmazonService-Sample.feature:19 When user refresh AmazonS3 with Parquet dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:38:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AmazonS3 with Parquet dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component Feature: Azure Service sample test @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check Azure Event Hubs sample # features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:12 When user refresh AzureEventHubs with Csv dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:38:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:38:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:38:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:38:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:39:07 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:39:16 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:39:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:39:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:39:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:39:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:40:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:40:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:40:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:40:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:40:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:40:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:40:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:41:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:41:00 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation checkSampleResult SEVERE: Error Messsage: {"timestamp":1668022855363,"status":404,"error":"Not found","message":"Failed to fetch the sample from dataset 2a19a3e1-c55d-4af0-b892-37b743de0afa."} Then user gets dataset AzureEventHubs with Csv dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset AzureEventHubs with Csv dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:14) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check azure blob with avro sample # features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:17 When user refresh AzureBlobStorage with Avro dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:41:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AzureBlobStorage with Avro dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component Scenario: check azure blob with parquet sample # features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:21 When user refresh AzureBlobStorage with Parquet dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:41:23 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:41:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AzureBlobStorage with Parquet dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check azure datalake with avro sample # features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:26 When user refresh AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Avro dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:41:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:41:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Avro dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component Scenario: check azure datalake with json sample # features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:30 When user refresh AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Json dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:42:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Json dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component Scenario: check azure datalake with parquet sample # features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:34 When user refresh AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Parquet dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:42:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Parquet dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component Scenario: check azure datalake with csv sample # features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:38 When user refresh AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Csv dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:42:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 with Csv dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component Feature: Common Service sample test @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check marketo sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:5 When user refresh Marketo with People dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:42:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset Marketo with People dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check salesforce sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:10 When user refresh Salesforce with Module dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:42:49 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:42:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset Salesforce with Module dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check netsuite sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:15 When user refresh NetSuite without dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:43:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:43:17 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:43:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:43:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:43:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset NetSuite without dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String) @sample @component Scenario: check HDFS sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:27 When user refresh HDFS with Csv dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:43:54 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:44:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:44:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:44:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:44:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:44:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:44:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:44:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:45:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:45:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:45:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:45:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:45:39 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:45:47 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:45:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:46:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:46:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:46:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:46:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation checkSampleResult SEVERE: Error Messsage: {"timestamp":1668023175454,"status":404,"error":"Not found","message":"Failed to fetch the sample from dataset dbb1bc6a-e515-4220-9065-edfa64e459c4."} Then user gets dataset HDFS with Csv dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset HDFS with Csv dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:29) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check FTP sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:32 When user refresh FTP with Csv dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:46:32 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset FTP with Csv dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check SFTP sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:37 When user refresh SFTP with Csv dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:46:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:46:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset SFTP with Csv dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check elasticsearch sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:42 When user refresh ElasticSearch without dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String) Nov 09, 2022 7:47:04 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset ElasticSearch without dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check rest sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:47 When user refresh REST with Batch dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:47:15 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset REST with Batch dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check kafka sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:52 When user refresh Kafka with Csv dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:47:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:47:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:47:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:47:51 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:47:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:48:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset Kafka with Csv dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check REST with polling sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:57 When user refresh REST with Streaming dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:48:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:48:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:48:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:48:44 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:48:52 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:49:01 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:49:12 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:49:20 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:49:29 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:49:37 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:49:45 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:49:53 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:50:05 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:50:14 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:50:22 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:50:30 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:50:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:50:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:50:46 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation checkSampleResult SEVERE: Error Messsage: {"timestamp":1668023441723,"status":404,"error":"Not found","message":"Failed to fetch the sample from dataset 8a4ec8e2-457c-4d0a-b3dd-b914c6bcd8cc."} Then user gets dataset REST with Streaming dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset REST with Streaming dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:59) @sample @component @smoke Scenario: check MongoDB sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:62 When user refresh MongoDB with Collection-Json dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:50:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset MongoDB with Collection-Json dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @component @LocalConnection @smoke Scenario: check Local Connection sample # features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:67 When user refresh LocalConnection with Csv dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:51:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:51:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:51:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:51:34 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:51:42 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:51:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:52:02 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:52:10 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:52:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:52:27 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:52:35 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:52:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:52:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:53:03 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:53:11 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:53:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:53:28 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:53:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:53:36 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation checkSampleResult SEVERE: Error Messsage: {"timestamp":1668023611342,"status":404,"error":"Not found","message":"Failed to fetch the sample from dataset 57638b5f-d1a4-4f88-8a13-a27b11740cf8."} Then user gets dataset LocalConnection with Csv dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset LocalConnection with Csv dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:69) @sample @smoke @component @Database Feature: Database sample test @sample @smoke @component @Database Scenario: check amazon aurora sample # features/sample/Database-Sample.feature:4 When user refresh Aurora with Table dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:53:48 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset Aurora with Table dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component @Database Scenario: check azure dwh sql sample # features/sample/Database-Sample.feature:8 When user refresh AzureSynapse with Table dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:53:59 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:54:08 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset AzureSynapse with Table dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component @Database Scenario: check amazon mariadb sample # features/sample/Database-Sample.feature:12 When user refresh MariaDB with Table dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:54:19 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset MariaDB with Table dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component @Database Scenario: check amazon mssql sample # features/sample/Database-Sample.feature:16 When user refresh MSSQL with Table dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:54:31 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset MSSQL with Table dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component @Database Scenario: check amazon mysql sample # features/sample/Database-Sample.feature:20 When user refresh MySQL with Table dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:54:43 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset MySQL with Table dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component @Database Scenario: check amazon postgresql sample # features/sample/Database-Sample.feature:24 When user refresh PostgreSQL with Table dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:54:55 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset PostgreSQL with Table dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component @Database Scenario: check amazon redshift sample # features/sample/Database-Sample.feature:28 When user refresh Redshift with Table dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:55:06 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset Redshift with Table dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component @Database Scenario: check SnowFlake sample # features/sample/Database-Sample.feature:32 When user refresh Snowflake with Table dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:55:18 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:55:26 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset Snowflake with Table dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component Feature: Google Service sample test @sample @smoke @component Scenario: check GCS sample # features/sample/GoogleService-Sample.feature:4 When user refresh GoogleCloudStorage with Csv dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:55:38 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset GoogleCloudStorage with Csv dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component Scenario: check pubsub sample # features/sample/GoogleService-Sample.feature:8 When user refresh GooglePubSub with Csv dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:55:50 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Nov 09, 2022 7:55:58 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset GooglePubSub with Csv dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) @sample @smoke @component Scenario: check BigQuery sample # features/sample/GoogleService-Sample.feature:12 When user refresh GoogleBigQuery with Table dataset config sample # SampleStep.userRefreshSample(String,String) Nov 09, 2022 7:56:09 PM actions.TPDAPIOperation waitForSample SEVERE: sleep 5s Then user gets dataset GoogleBigQuery with Table dataset config sample successfully # SampleStep.getSample(String,String) Failed scenarios: features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:5 # test -> DynamoDB features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:11 # DynamoDB -> test features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:23 # test -> DynamoDB_AssumeRole features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:29 # DynamoDB_AssumeRole Query -> test features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonKinesis.feature:5 # Kinesis with STS -> test features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:5 # test dataset -> S3 with Excel features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:11 # test dataset -> S3 with AVRO features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:17 # test dataset -> S3 with Parquet features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:23 # test dataset -> S3 with Csv features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:29 # test dataset -> S3 with Json features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:35 # S3 with Excel -> test features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:41 # S3 with Parquet -> test features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:47 # S3 with Avro -> test features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:53 # S3 with Csv -> test features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:59 # S3 with Json -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:5 # test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Csv features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:11 # test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Avro features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:17 # test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Parquet features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:23 # Test -> Azure Blob Storage with Excel features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:28 # Test -> Azure Blob Storage with Json features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:34 # Azure Blob Storage with Csv -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:40 # Azure Blob Storage with Avro -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:46 # Azure Blob Storage with Parquet -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:52 # Azure Blob Storage with Excel -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:58 # Azure Blob Storage with Json -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:5 # test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Csv features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:11 # test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Avro features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:17 # test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Parquet features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:22 # Test -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Excel features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:28 # Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Csv -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:34 # Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Avro -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:40 # Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Parquet -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:46 # Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Excel -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:5 # test -> CosmosDB features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:11 # CosmosDB -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:5 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with CSV features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:11 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 other settings with CSV features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:17 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Tab settings with CSV features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:23 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Avro features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:29 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Json features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:35 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Parquet features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:41 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with CSV -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:47 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 other settings with CSV -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:53 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Tab settings with CSV -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:59 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Avro -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:65 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Json -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:71 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Parquet -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:5 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with CSV features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:11 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Avro features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:17 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Json features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:23 # test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Parquet features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:29 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with CSV -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:36 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Avro -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:42 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Json -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:48 # Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Parquet -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:5 # test -> Azure Event Hubs features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:11 # Azure Event Hubs -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:18 # test -> Azure Event Hubs with AVRO features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:24 # Azure Event Hubs with AVRO -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:31 # test -> Azure Event Hubs with JSON features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:37 # Azure Event Hubs with JSON -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:44 # test -> Azure Event Hubs with TEXT features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:50 # Azure Event Hubs with TEXT -> test features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:58 # Azure Event Hubs with AVRO -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:6 # test data -> Box with CSV features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:13 # Box with CSV -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:25 # test data -> Box with Avro features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:31 # Box with Avro -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:37 # test data -> Box with Json features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:43 # Box with Json -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:49 # test data -> Box with Excel features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:55 # Box with Excel -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:61 # Box with Excel (HTML) -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:6 # test data -> Box with CSV features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:12 # Box with CSV -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:25 # test data -> Box with Avro features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:32 # Box with Avro -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:38 # test data -> Box with Json features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:44 # Box with Json -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:50 # test data -> Box with Excel features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:56 # Box with Excel -> test features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:62 # Box with Excel (HTML) -> test features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:5 # Couchbase -> test features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:11 # test -> Couchbase features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:5 # test data -> Amazon Aurora features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:11 # Amazon Aurora -> test features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:5 # test data -> Azure Synabase with bulkload features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:11 # test data -> Azure Synabase features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:17 # Azure Synabase -> test features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:5 # test data -> DeltaLake features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:11 # DeltaLake -> test features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:5 # test data -> Derby features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:11 # Derby -> test features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:5 # test data -> Amazon MSSQL features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:11 # test data -> Amazon MSSQL with the authentication type of basic features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:17 # Amazon MSSQL -> test features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:23 # Amazon MSSQL with the authentication type of basic -> test features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:5 # test data -> Amazon MariaDB features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:11 # test data -> Amazon MariaDB with the authentication type of basic features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:17 # Amazon MariaDB -> test features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:23 # Amazon MariaDB with the authentication type of basic-> test features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:5 # test data -> Amazon Mysql features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:11 # test data -> Amazon Mysql with the authentication type of basic features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:17 # Amazon MySQL -> test features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:23 # Amazon Mysql with the authentication type of basic -> test features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:5 # test data -> Amazon PostgreSQL features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:11 # test data -> Amazon PostgreSQL with the authentication type of basic features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:17 # Amazon PostgreSQL -> test features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:23 # Amazon PostgreSQL with the authentication type of basic -> test features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:5 # test data -> Amazon RedShift features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:11 # test data -> Amazon RedShift with bulkload features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:17 # Amazon RedShift -> test features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:5 # SingleStore -> test features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:11 # test data -> SingleStore features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:5 # test data -> Snowflake features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:11 # Snowflake -> test features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:17 # test data -> Snowflake with the authentication type of basic features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:23 # Snowflake with the authentication type of basic -> test features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:5 # test data -> elasticsearch features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:11 # elasticsearch -> test features/connectors/FTP.feature:5 # test -> FTP with CSV features/connectors/FTP.feature:11 # FTP with CSV -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:5 # test data -> bigquery features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:11 # bigquery -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:5 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with CSV features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:11 # Google Cloud Storage with CSV -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:24 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with path features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:31 # Google Cloud Storage with path -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:44 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO JSON features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:51 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO JSON -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:64 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO AVRO features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:71 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO AVRO -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:78 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel97 features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:85 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel97 -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:92 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel2007 features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:99 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel2007 -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:106 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Linux Type features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:113 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Linux Type -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:120 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Windows Type features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:127 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Windows Type -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:134 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV ISO-8859-15 features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:141 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV ISO-8859-15 -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:148 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Header features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:155 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Header -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:162 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV PipeFieldSeparator features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:169 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV PipeFieldSeparator -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:176 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV SemicolonFieldSeparator features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:183 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV SemicolonFieldSeparator -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:190 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced EscapeCharacter features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:197 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced EscapeCharacter -> test features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:204 # test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced QuoteCharacter features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:211 # Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced QuoteCharacter -> test features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:6 # test data -> PubSub with CSV features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:13 # test data -> PubSub with text features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:20 # test data -> PubSub with Avro features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:27 # test data -> PubSub with JSON features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:34 # PubSub with CSV -> test features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:42 # PubSub with text -> test features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:50 # PubSub with Avro -> test features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:59 # PubSub with JSON -> test features/connectors/HDFS.feature:5 # test data -> HDFS features/connectors/HDFS.feature:11 # HDFS -> test features/connectors/Kafka.feature:5 # test data -> kafka with csv features/connectors/Kafka.feature:11 # test data -> kafka with json features/connectors/Kafka.feature:17 # test data -> kafka with avro features/connectors/Kafka.feature:23 # kafka with csv -> test features/connectors/Kudu.feature:5 # test -> Kudu features/connectors/Kudu.feature:11 # Kudu -> test features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:5 # test -> Local Connection with CSV features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:11 # Local Connection with CSV -> test features/connectors/Marketo.feature:5 # marketo -> test features/connectors/Marketo.feature:11 # test -> marketo features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:5 # MongoDB -> test features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:11 # test -> MongoDB features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:5 # netsuite -> test features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:11 # test -> netsuite using update features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:5 # test data -> Pulsar with CSV features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:11 # Pulsar with CSV -> test features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:5 # test data -> rest features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:11 # rest -> test features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:17 # rest using polling -> test features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:25 # rest with header parameter -> test features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:32 # rest with URL parameter -> test features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Basic.feature:6 # REST with basic authentication -> test features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Digest.feature:6 # REST with digest authentication -> test features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:6 # rest with path parameter -> test features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:13 # rest with body parameter -> test features/connectors/SFTP.feature:5 # test -> SFTP with CSV features/connectors/SFTP.feature:11 # SFTP with CSV -> test features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:5 # salesforce -> test features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:11 # salesforce query -> test features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:17 # test -> salesforce features/connectors/Workday.feature:10 # workdayRaaS -> test features/connectors/Workday.feature:15 # workdayWSSA -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:5 # test dataset -> Filter -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:11 # test dataset -> Field Selector -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:16 # test dataset -> Normalize -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:22 # test dataset -> Python -> S3 features/processors/Processors.feature:27 # test dataset -> Replica -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:33 # test dataset -> Join -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:39 # test dataset -> Type Converter -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:45 # test dataset -> Aggregate -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:51 # test dataset -> Split -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:57 # test dataset -> Math -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:62 # test dataset -> Phones -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:68 # test dataset -> DataCleansing -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:74 # test dataset -> Strings -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:80 # test dataset -> Dates -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:86 # test dataset -> DataHashing -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:92 # test dataset -> Numbers -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:98 # test dataset -> Fields Concatenator -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:103 # test dataset -> Data Sampling -> test features/processors/Processors.feature:109 # test dataset -> Run preparation -> test features/processors/Python2.feature:4 # import library denies features/processors/Python2.feature:9 # reading file denies features/processors/Python3.feature:4 # deny telnetlib library features/processors/Python3.feature:9 # deny socket library features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:12 # check Azure Event Hubs sample features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:27 # check HDFS sample features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:57 # check REST with polling sample features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:67 # check Local Connection sample 251 Scenarios (221 failed, 30 passed) 733 Steps (221 failed, 13 skipped, 499 passed) 84m33.790s java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:32) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonKinesis.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:32) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:38) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:44) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:50) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:56) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:62) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:31) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:37) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:43) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:49) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:55) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:61) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:25) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:31) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:37) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:43) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:49) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:32) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:38) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:44) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:50) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:56) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:62) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:68) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:74) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:32) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:39) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:45) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:51) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:21) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:27) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:34) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:40) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:47) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:53) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:61) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:9) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:16) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:28) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:34) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:40) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:46) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:52) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:58) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:64) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:9) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:15) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:28) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:35) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:41) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:47) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:53) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:59) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:65) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, cannot identify an available engine based on the information provided] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, cannot identify an available engine based on the information provided] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/FTP.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/FTP.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:27) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:34) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:47) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:54) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:67) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:74) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:81) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:88) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:95) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:102) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:109) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:116) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:123) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:130) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:137) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:144) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:151) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:158) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:165) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:172) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:179) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:186) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:193) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:200) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:207) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:214) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:9) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:16) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:23) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:30) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:37) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:45) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:53) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:62) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/HDFS.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/HDFS.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:26) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kudu.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kudu.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Marketo.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Marketo.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:28) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:35) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Basic.feature:9) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Digest.feature:9) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:9) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:16) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/SFTP.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/SFTP.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:20) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Workday.feature:13) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Workday.feature:18) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:8) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:19) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:25) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:30) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:36) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:42) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:48) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:54) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:60) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:65) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:71) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:77) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:83) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:89) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:95) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:101) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:106) java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:113) java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message UnknownReason(features/processors/Python2.feature:7) java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message UnknownReason(features/processors/Python2.feature:12) java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message The import 'telnetlib' cannot be used(features/processors/Python3.feature:7) java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message The import 'socket' cannot be used(features/processors/Python3.feature:12) java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset AzureEventHubs with Csv dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:14) java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset HDFS with Csv dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:29) java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset REST with Streaming dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:59) java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset LocalConnection with Csv dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:69) Tests run: 251, Failures: 221, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5,075.01 sec <<< FAILURE! test -> DynamoDB(test AmazonDynamoDB components) Time elapsed: 18.049 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:8) DynamoDB -> test(test AmazonDynamoDB components) Time elapsed: 13.115 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:14) test -> DynamoDB_AssumeRole(test AmazonDynamoDB components) Time elapsed: 13.091 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:26) DynamoDB_AssumeRole Query -> test(test AmazonDynamoDB components) Time elapsed: 13.043 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonDynamoDB.feature:32) Kinesis with STS -> test(test AmazonKinesis components) Time elapsed: 93.479 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonKinesis.feature:8) test dataset -> S3 with Excel(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 12.999 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:8) test dataset -> S3 with AVRO(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 13.018 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:14) test dataset -> S3 with Parquet(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 12.997 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:20) test dataset -> S3 with Csv(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 13.003 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:26) test dataset -> S3 with Json(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 12.974 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:32) S3 with Excel -> test(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 12.965 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:38) S3 with Parquet -> test(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 12.949 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:44) S3 with Avro -> test(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 12.988 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:50) S3 with Csv -> test(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 12.989 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:56) S3 with Json -> test(test AmazonS3 components) Time elapsed: 13.006 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Amazon/AmazonS3.feature:62) test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Csv(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 12.969 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:8) test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Avro(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 12.975 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:14) test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Parquet(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.191 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:20) Test -> Azure Blob Storage with Excel(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 12.955 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:26) Test -> Azure Blob Storage with Json(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 12.952 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:31) Azure Blob Storage with Csv -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 12.955 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:37) Azure Blob Storage with Avro -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.014 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:43) Azure Blob Storage with Parquet -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.038 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:49) Azure Blob Storage with Excel -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 13 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:55) Azure Blob Storage with Json -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components) Time elapsed: 12.969 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorage.feature:61) test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Csv(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components) Time elapsed: 13.042 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:8) test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Avro(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components) Time elapsed: 12.967 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:14) test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Parquet(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components) Time elapsed: 13.26 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:20) Test -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Excel(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components) Time elapsed: 14.389 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:25) Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Csv -> test(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components) Time elapsed: 13.041 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:31) Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Avro -> test(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components) Time elapsed: 13.009 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:37) Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Parquet -> test(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components) Time elapsed: 12.985 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:43) Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Excel -> test(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components) Time elapsed: 12.953 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureBlobStorageSAS.feature:49) test -> CosmosDB(test AzureCosmosDB components) Time elapsed: 12.978 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:8) CosmosDB -> test(test AzureCosmosDB components) Time elapsed: 12.978 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureCosmosDB.feature:14) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with CSV(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 12.994 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:8) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 other settings with CSV(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 13.006 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:14) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Tab settings with CSV(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 12.978 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:20) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Avro(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 13.014 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:26) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Json(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 13.058 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:32) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Parquet(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 13.21 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:38) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with CSV -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 12.997 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:44) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 other settings with CSV -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 13.051 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:50) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Tab settings with CSV -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 13.074 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:56) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Avro -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 13.002 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:62) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Json -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 13.001 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:68) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Parquet -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components) Time elapsed: 13.008 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2.feature:74) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with CSV(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components) Time elapsed: 12.998 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:8) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Avro(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components) Time elapsed: 12.993 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:14) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Json(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components) Time elapsed: 12.987 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:20) test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Parquet(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components) Time elapsed: 12.993 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:26) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with CSV -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components) Time elapsed: 12.993 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:32) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Avro -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components) Time elapsed: 12.988 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:39) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Json -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components) Time elapsed: 13.005 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:45) Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Parquet -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components) Time elapsed: 13.025 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS.feature:51) test -> Azure Event Hubs(test AzureEventHubs components) Time elapsed: 12.969 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:8) Azure Event Hubs -> test(test AzureEventHubs components) Time elapsed: 93.451 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:14) test -> Azure Event Hubs with AVRO(test AzureEventHubs components) Time elapsed: 13.302 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:21) Azure Event Hubs with AVRO -> test(test AzureEventHubs components) Time elapsed: 93.458 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:27) test -> Azure Event Hubs with JSON(test AzureEventHubs components) Time elapsed: 12.963 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:34) Azure Event Hubs with JSON -> test(test AzureEventHubs components) Time elapsed: 93.393 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:40) test -> Azure Event Hubs with TEXT(test AzureEventHubs components) Time elapsed: 12.964 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:47) Azure Event Hubs with TEXT -> test(test AzureEventHubs components) Time elapsed: 93.429 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:53) Azure Event Hubs with AVRO -> test(test AzureEventHubs components) Time elapsed: 93.608 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Azure/AzureEventHubs.feature:61) test data -> Box with CSV(test Box components - Enterprise ID) Time elapsed: 19.408 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:9) Box with CSV -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID) Time elapsed: 12.948 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:16) test data -> Box with Avro(test Box components - Enterprise ID) Time elapsed: 12.977 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:28) Box with Avro -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID) Time elapsed: 12.951 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:34) test data -> Box with Json(test Box components - Enterprise ID) Time elapsed: 12.949 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:40) Box with Json -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID) Time elapsed: 12.913 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:46) test data -> Box with Excel(test Box components - Enterprise ID) Time elapsed: 12.913 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:52) Box with Excel -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID) Time elapsed: 12.941 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:58) Box with Excel (HTML) -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID) Time elapsed: 12.958 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_Enterprise_Id.feature:64) test data -> Box with CSV(test Box components - User ID) Time elapsed: 14.213 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:9) Box with CSV -> test(test Box components - User ID) Time elapsed: 13.002 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:15) test data -> Box with Avro(test Box components - User ID) Time elapsed: 12.94 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:28) Box with Avro -> test(test Box components - User ID) Time elapsed: 12.956 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:35) test data -> Box with Json(test Box components - User ID) Time elapsed: 13.165 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:41) Box with Json -> test(test Box components - User ID) Time elapsed: 13.357 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:47) test data -> Box with Excel(test Box components - User ID) Time elapsed: 13.269 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:53) Box with Excel -> test(test Box components - User ID) Time elapsed: 13.255 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:59) Box with Excel (HTML) -> test(test Box components - User ID) Time elapsed: 13.254 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Box/Box_User_Id.feature:65) Couchbase -> test(test Couchbase components) Time elapsed: 13.278 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:8) test -> Couchbase(test Couchbase components) Time elapsed: 13.291 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Couchbase.feature:14) test data -> Amazon Aurora(all Aurora components) Time elapsed: 13.276 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:8) Amazon Aurora -> test(all Aurora components) Time elapsed: 13.355 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Aurora.feature:14) test data -> Azure Synabase with bulkload(test AzureSynabase components) Time elapsed: 13.271 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, cannot identify an available engine based on the information provided] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:8) test data -> Azure Synabase(test AzureSynabase components) Time elapsed: 13.412 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:14) Azure Synabase -> test(test AzureSynabase components) Time elapsed: 13.62 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/AzureSynabase.feature:20) test data -> DeltaLake(test DeltaLake components) Time elapsed: 13.392 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:8) DeltaLake -> test(test DeltaLake components) Time elapsed: 13.37 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/DeltaLake.feature:14) test data -> Derby(test Derby components) Time elapsed: 13.424 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:8) Derby -> test(test Derby components) Time elapsed: 13.545 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Derby.feature:14) test data -> Amazon MSSQL(test Mssql components) Time elapsed: 13.394 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:8) test data -> Amazon MSSQL with the authentication type of basic(test Mssql components) Time elapsed: 13.484 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:14) Amazon MSSQL -> test(test Mssql components) Time elapsed: 13.612 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:20) Amazon MSSQL with the authentication type of basic -> test(test Mssql components) Time elapsed: 13.549 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MSSQL.feature:26) test data -> Amazon MariaDB(test MariaDB components) Time elapsed: 13.472 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:8) test data -> Amazon MariaDB with the authentication type of basic(test MariaDB components) Time elapsed: 13.452 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:14) Amazon MariaDB -> test(test MariaDB components) Time elapsed: 13.801 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:20) Amazon MariaDB with the authentication type of basic-> test(test MariaDB components) Time elapsed: 13.411 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MariaDB.feature:26) test data -> Amazon Mysql(test Mysql components) Time elapsed: 13.464 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:8) test data -> Amazon Mysql with the authentication type of basic(test Mysql components) Time elapsed: 13.649 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:14) Amazon MySQL -> test(test Mysql components) Time elapsed: 13.56 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:20) Amazon Mysql with the authentication type of basic -> test(test Mysql components) Time elapsed: 13.437 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/MySql.feature:26) test data -> Amazon PostgreSQL(test PostgreSQL components) Time elapsed: 13.446 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:8) test data -> Amazon PostgreSQL with the authentication type of basic(test PostgreSQL components) Time elapsed: 13.403 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:14) Amazon PostgreSQL -> test(test PostgreSQL components) Time elapsed: 13.451 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:20) Amazon PostgreSQL with the authentication type of basic -> test(test PostgreSQL components) Time elapsed: 13.526 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/PostgreSQL.feature:26) test data -> Amazon RedShift(test RedShift components) Time elapsed: 13.508 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:8) test data -> Amazon RedShift with bulkload(test RedShift components) Time elapsed: 13.443 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, cannot identify an available engine based on the information provided] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:14) Amazon RedShift -> test(test RedShift components) Time elapsed: 13.476 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/RedShift.feature:20) SingleStore -> test(test SingleStore components) Time elapsed: 13.526 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:8) test data -> SingleStore(test SingleStore components) Time elapsed: 13.738 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/SingleStore.feature:14) test data -> Snowflake(test Snowflake components) Time elapsed: 13.503 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:8) Snowflake -> test(test Snowflake components) Time elapsed: 13.478 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:14) test data -> Snowflake with the authentication type of basic(test Snowflake components) Time elapsed: 13.614 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:20) Snowflake with the authentication type of basic -> test(test Snowflake components) Time elapsed: 13.782 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Database/Snowflake.feature:26) test data -> elasticsearch(test ElasticSearch component) Time elapsed: 13.531 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:8) elasticsearch -> test(test ElasticSearch component) Time elapsed: 13.517 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/ElasticSearch.feature:14) test -> FTP with CSV(test FTP components) Time elapsed: 13.546 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/FTP.feature:8) FTP with CSV -> test(test FTP components) Time elapsed: 13.552 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/FTP.feature:14) test data -> bigquery(test GoogleBigQuery components) Time elapsed: 13.568 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:8) bigquery -> test(test GoogleBigQuery components) Time elapsed: 13.585 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleBigQuery.feature:14) test -> Google Cloud Storage with CSV(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.57 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:8) Google Cloud Storage with CSV -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.566 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:14) test -> Google Cloud Storage with path(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.715 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:27) Google Cloud Storage with path -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.595 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:34) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO JSON(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.612 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:47) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO JSON -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.695 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:54) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO AVRO(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.715 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:67) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO AVRO -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.671 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:74) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel97(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.614 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:81) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel97 -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.688 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:88) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel2007(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.632 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:95) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel2007 -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.628 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:102) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Linux Type(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.871 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:109) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Linux Type -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.67 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:116) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Windows Type(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.831 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:123) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Windows Type -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.818 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:130) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV ISO-8859-15(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.714 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:137) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV ISO-8859-15 -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.658 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:144) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Header(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.638 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:151) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Header -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.64 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:158) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV PipeFieldSeparator(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.674 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:165) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV PipeFieldSeparator -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.717 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:172) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV SemicolonFieldSeparator(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.721 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:179) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV SemicolonFieldSeparator -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 14.052 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:186) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced EscapeCharacter(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.679 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:193) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced EscapeCharacter -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.725 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:200) test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced QuoteCharacter(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.706 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:207) Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced QuoteCharacter -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components) Time elapsed: 13.954 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GoogleCloudStorage.feature:214) test data -> PubSub with CSV(test GooglePubSub components) Time elapsed: 13.981 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:9) test data -> PubSub with text(test GooglePubSub components) Time elapsed: 13.739 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:16) test data -> PubSub with Avro(test GooglePubSub components) Time elapsed: 14.025 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:23) test data -> PubSub with JSON(test GooglePubSub components) Time elapsed: 13.709 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:30) PubSub with CSV -> test(test GooglePubSub components) Time elapsed: 96.742 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:37) PubSub with text -> test(test GooglePubSub components) Time elapsed: 93.459 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:45) PubSub with Avro -> test(test GooglePubSub components) Time elapsed: 94.873 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:53) PubSub with JSON -> test(test GooglePubSub components) Time elapsed: 93.396 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Google/GooglePubSub.feature:62) test data -> HDFS(test HDFS components) Time elapsed: 13.01 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/HDFS.feature:8) HDFS -> test(test HDFS components) Time elapsed: 12.978 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/HDFS.feature:14) test data -> kafka with csv(test kafka components) Time elapsed: 12.92 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:8) test data -> kafka with json(test kafka components) Time elapsed: 12.936 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:14) test data -> kafka with avro(test kafka components) Time elapsed: 12.946 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:20) kafka with csv -> test(test kafka components) Time elapsed: 93.408 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Kafka.feature:26) test -> Kudu(test Kudu components) Time elapsed: 13.583 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kudu.feature:8) Kudu -> test(test Kudu components) Time elapsed: 12.933 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Kudu.feature:14) test -> Local Connection with CSV(test Local Connection components) Time elapsed: 12.934 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:8) Local Connection with CSV -> test(test Local Connection components) Time elapsed: 12.91 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/LocalConnection.feature:14) marketo -> test(test Marketo components) Time elapsed: 12.971 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Marketo.feature:8) test -> marketo(test Marketo components) Time elapsed: 12.916 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Marketo.feature:14) MongoDB -> test(test MongoDB components) Time elapsed: 12.911 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:8) test -> MongoDB(test MongoDB components) Time elapsed: 12.943 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/MongoDB.feature:14) netsuite -> test(test NetSuite components) Time elapsed: 12.946 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:8) test -> netsuite using update(test NetSuite components) Time elapsed: 12.939 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/NetSuite.feature:14) test data -> Pulsar with CSV(test Pulsar components) Time elapsed: 12.938 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:8) Pulsar with CSV -> test(test Pulsar components) Time elapsed: 93.384 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/Pulsar.feature:14) test data -> rest(test REST components) Time elapsed: 12.932 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:8) rest -> test(test REST components) Time elapsed: 12.921 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:14) rest using polling -> test(test REST components) Time elapsed: 93.429 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.streamingRunningStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.runningStatus( at ✽.the pipeline status is running still after waiting for 90 seconds(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:20) rest with header parameter -> test(test REST components) Time elapsed: 13.08 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:28) rest with URL parameter -> test(test REST components) Time elapsed: 12.918 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST.feature:35) REST with basic authentication -> test(test REST_Authentication components) Time elapsed: 12.937 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Basic.feature:9) REST with digest authentication -> test(test REST_Authentication components) Time elapsed: 12.982 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_Authentication_Digest.feature:9) rest with path parameter -> test(test REST_HTTPBin components) Time elapsed: 12.939 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:9) rest with body parameter -> test(test REST_HTTPBin components) Time elapsed: 12.913 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/REST/REST_HTTPBin.feature:16) test -> SFTP with CSV(test SFTP components) Time elapsed: 12.937 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/SFTP.feature:8) SFTP with CSV -> test(test SFTP components) Time elapsed: 12.974 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/SFTP.feature:14) salesforce -> test(test Salesforce components) Time elapsed: 13.005 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:8) salesforce query -> test(test Salesforce components) Time elapsed: 12.966 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:14) test -> salesforce(test Salesforce components) Time elapsed: 12.995 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Salesforce.feature:20) workdayRaaS -> test(test Workday components) Time elapsed: 12.976 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Workday.feature:13) workdayWSSA -> test(test Workday components) Time elapsed: 13.046 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/connectors/Workday.feature:18) test dataset -> Filter -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.973 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:8) test dataset -> Field Selector -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.96 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:14) test dataset -> Normalize -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.932 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:19) test dataset -> Python -> S3(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.939 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:25) test dataset -> Replica -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.951 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:30) test dataset -> Join -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.923 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:36) test dataset -> Type Converter -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.944 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:42) test dataset -> Aggregate -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.968 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:48) test dataset -> Split -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.993 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:54) test dataset -> Math -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 13.037 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:60) test dataset -> Phones -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.98 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:65) test dataset -> DataCleansing -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.993 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:71) test dataset -> Strings -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 13.053 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:77) test dataset -> Dates -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 13.066 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:83) test dataset -> DataHashing -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 13.021 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:89) test dataset -> Numbers -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.988 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:95) test dataset -> Fields Concatenator -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.964 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:101) test dataset -> Data Sampling -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 12.998 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:106) test dataset -> Run preparation -> test(all processors) Time elapsed: 32.469 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkPipelineStatus( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkPipelineStatus( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is "finished"(features/processors/Processors.feature:113) import library denies(Python2 security) Time elapsed: 3.403 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message UnknownReason(features/processors/Python2.feature:7) reading file denies(Python2 security) Time elapsed: 3.402 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message UnknownReason(features/processors/Python2.feature:12) deny telnetlib library(Python3 security) Time elapsed: 3.432 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message The import 'telnetlib' cannot be used(features/processors/Python3.feature:7) deny socket library(Python3 security) Time elapsed: 3.404 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] at at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkFailedPipeline( at steps.AddPipelineStep.checkFailedPipeline( at ✽.the lastExecutionStatus for the pipeline is Error with message The import 'socket' cannot be used(features/processors/Python3.feature:12) check Azure Event Hubs sample(Azure Service sample test) Time elapsed: 156.453 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset AzureEventHubs with Csv dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/AzureService-Sample.feature:14) check HDFS sample(Common Service sample test) Time elapsed: 157.614 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset HDFS with Csv dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:29) check REST with polling sample(Common Service sample test) Time elapsed: 158.601 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset REST with Streaming dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:59) check Local Connection sample(Common Service sample test) Time elapsed: 157.961 sec <<< FAILURE! java.lang.AssertionError: Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> at at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at utils.TPDAPIRequest.checkStatus( at actions.TPDAPIOperation.checkSampleResult( at steps.SampleStep.getSample( at ✽.user gets dataset LocalConnection with Csv dataset config sample successfully(features/sample/CommonService-Sample.feature:69) Results : Failed tests: test -> DynamoDB(test AmazonDynamoDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] DynamoDB -> test(test AmazonDynamoDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> DynamoDB_AssumeRole(test AmazonDynamoDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] DynamoDB_AssumeRole Query -> test(test AmazonDynamoDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Kinesis with STS -> test(test AmazonKinesis components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> S3 with Excel(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> S3 with AVRO(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> S3 with Parquet(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> S3 with Csv(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> S3 with Json(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] S3 with Excel -> test(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] S3 with Parquet -> test(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] S3 with Avro -> test(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] S3 with Csv -> test(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] S3 with Json -> test(test AmazonS3 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Csv(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Avro(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Azure Blob Storage with Parquet(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Test -> Azure Blob Storage with Excel(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Test -> Azure Blob Storage with Json(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Blob Storage with Csv -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Blob Storage with Avro -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Blob Storage with Parquet -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Blob Storage with Excel -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Blob Storage with Json -> test(test AzureBlobStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Csv(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Avro(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Parquet(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Test -> Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Excel(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Csv -> test(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Avro -> test(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Parquet -> test(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Blob Storage of SAS with Excel -> test(test AzureBlobStorageSAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> CosmosDB(test AzureCosmosDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] CosmosDB -> test(test AzureCosmosDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with CSV(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 other settings with CSV(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Tab settings with CSV(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Avro(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Json(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Parquet(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with CSV -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 other settings with CSV -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Tab settings with CSV -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Avro -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Json -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Parquet -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2 components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with CSV(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Avro(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Json(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Parquet(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with CSV -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Avro -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Json -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 of SAS with Parquet -> test(test AzureDataLakeStorageGen2SAS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Event Hubs(test AzureEventHubs components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Event Hubs -> test(test AzureEventHubs components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Event Hubs with AVRO(test AzureEventHubs components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Event Hubs with AVRO -> test(test AzureEventHubs components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Event Hubs with JSON(test AzureEventHubs components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Event Hubs with JSON -> test(test AzureEventHubs components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Azure Event Hubs with TEXT(test AzureEventHubs components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Event Hubs with TEXT -> test(test AzureEventHubs components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Event Hubs with AVRO -> test(test AzureEventHubs components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Box with CSV(test Box components - Enterprise ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with CSV -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Box with Avro(test Box components - Enterprise ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with Avro -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Box with Json(test Box components - Enterprise ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with Json -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Box with Excel(test Box components - Enterprise ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with Excel -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with Excel (HTML) -> test(test Box components - Enterprise ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Box with CSV(test Box components - User ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with CSV -> test(test Box components - User ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Box with Avro(test Box components - User ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with Avro -> test(test Box components - User ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Box with Json(test Box components - User ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with Json -> test(test Box components - User ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Box with Excel(test Box components - User ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with Excel -> test(test Box components - User ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Box with Excel (HTML) -> test(test Box components - User ID): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Couchbase -> test(test Couchbase components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Couchbase(test Couchbase components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon Aurora(all Aurora components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Amazon Aurora -> test(all Aurora components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Azure Synabase with bulkload(test AzureSynabase components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, cannot identify an available engine based on the information provided] test data -> Azure Synabase(test AzureSynabase components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Azure Synabase -> test(test AzureSynabase components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> DeltaLake(test DeltaLake components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] DeltaLake -> test(test DeltaLake components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Derby(test Derby components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Derby -> test(test Derby components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon MSSQL(test Mssql components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon MSSQL with the authentication type of basic(test Mssql components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Amazon MSSQL -> test(test Mssql components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Amazon MSSQL with the authentication type of basic -> test(test Mssql components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon MariaDB(test MariaDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon MariaDB with the authentication type of basic(test MariaDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Amazon MariaDB -> test(test MariaDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Amazon MariaDB with the authentication type of basic-> test(test MariaDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon Mysql(test Mysql components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon Mysql with the authentication type of basic(test Mysql components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Amazon MySQL -> test(test Mysql components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Amazon Mysql with the authentication type of basic -> test(test Mysql components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon PostgreSQL(test PostgreSQL components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon PostgreSQL with the authentication type of basic(test PostgreSQL components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Amazon PostgreSQL -> test(test PostgreSQL components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Amazon PostgreSQL with the authentication type of basic -> test(test PostgreSQL components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon RedShift(test RedShift components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Amazon RedShift with bulkload(test RedShift components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, cannot identify an available engine based on the information provided] Amazon RedShift -> test(test RedShift components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] SingleStore -> test(test SingleStore components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> SingleStore(test SingleStore components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Snowflake(test Snowflake components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Snowflake -> test(test Snowflake components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Snowflake with the authentication type of basic(test Snowflake components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Snowflake with the authentication type of basic -> test(test Snowflake components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> elasticsearch(test ElasticSearch component): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] elasticsearch -> test(test ElasticSearch component): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> FTP with CSV(test FTP components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] FTP with CSV -> test(test FTP components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> bigquery(test GoogleBigQuery components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] bigquery -> test(test GoogleBigQuery components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with CSV(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with CSV -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with path(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with path -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO JSON(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO JSON -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO AVRO(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO AVRO -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel97(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel97 -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel2007(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO Excel2007 -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Linux Type(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Linux Type -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Windows Type(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Windows Type -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV ISO-8859-15(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV ISO-8859-15 -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Header(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Header -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV PipeFieldSeparator(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV PipeFieldSeparator -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV SemicolonFieldSeparator(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV SemicolonFieldSeparator -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced EscapeCharacter(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced EscapeCharacter -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced QuoteCharacter(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Google Cloud Storage with Common IO CSV Advanced QuoteCharacter -> test(test GoogleCloudStorage components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> PubSub with CSV(test GooglePubSub components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> PubSub with text(test GooglePubSub components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> PubSub with Avro(test GooglePubSub components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> PubSub with JSON(test GooglePubSub components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] PubSub with CSV -> test(test GooglePubSub components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] PubSub with text -> test(test GooglePubSub components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] PubSub with Avro -> test(test GooglePubSub components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] PubSub with JSON -> test(test GooglePubSub components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> HDFS(test HDFS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] HDFS -> test(test HDFS components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> kafka with csv(test kafka components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> kafka with json(test kafka components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> kafka with avro(test kafka components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] kafka with csv -> test(test kafka components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Kudu(test Kudu components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Kudu -> test(test Kudu components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> Local Connection with CSV(test Local Connection components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Local Connection with CSV -> test(test Local Connection components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] marketo -> test(test Marketo components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> marketo(test Marketo components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] MongoDB -> test(test MongoDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> MongoDB(test MongoDB components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] netsuite -> test(test NetSuite components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> netsuite using update(test NetSuite components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> Pulsar with CSV(test Pulsar components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] Pulsar with CSV -> test(test Pulsar components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test data -> rest(test REST components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] rest -> test(test REST components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] rest using polling -> test(test REST components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] rest with header parameter -> test(test REST components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] rest with URL parameter -> test(test REST components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] REST with basic authentication -> test(test REST_Authentication components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] REST with digest authentication -> test(test REST_Authentication components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] rest with path parameter -> test(test REST_HTTPBin components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] rest with body parameter -> test(test REST_HTTPBin components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> SFTP with CSV(test SFTP components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] SFTP with CSV -> test(test SFTP components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] salesforce -> test(test Salesforce components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] salesforce query -> test(test Salesforce components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test -> salesforce(test Salesforce components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] workdayRaaS -> test(test Workday components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] workdayWSSA -> test(test Workday components): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Filter -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Field Selector -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Normalize -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Python -> S3(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Replica -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Join -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Type Converter -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Aggregate -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Split -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Math -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Phones -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> DataCleansing -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Strings -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Dates -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> DataHashing -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Numbers -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Fields Concatenator -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Data Sampling -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] test dataset -> Run preparation -> test(all processors): The pipeline does not run successfully, the last run status is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] import library denies(Python2 security): The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] reading file denies(Python2 security): The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] deny telnetlib library(Python3 security): The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] deny socket library(Python3 security): The error message is not the expected, the actual message is [error, Unable to fetch the component details from the remote engine 'N/A'] check Azure Event Hubs sample(Azure Service sample test): Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> check HDFS sample(Common Service sample test): Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> check REST with polling sample(Common Service sample test): Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> check Local Connection sample(Common Service sample test): Status Check expected:<200> but was:<404> Tests run: 251, Failures: 221, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [ERROR] There are test failures. Please refer to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 01:24 h [INFO] Finished at: 2022-11-09T19:56:10Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions) [Pipeline] junit Recording test results [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found. [Pipeline] cucumber [CucumberReport] Using Cucumber Reports version 5.7.3 [CucumberReport] JSON report directory is "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/target/surefire-reports" [CucumberReport] Copied 0 properties files from workspace "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/target/surefire-reports" to reports directory "/var/jenkins_home/jobs/QA/jobs/component-api-test-new/builds/43/cucumber-html-reports/.cache" [CucumberReport] Copied 1 files from workspace "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/QA/component-api-test-new/data-processing-runtime/data-processing-runtime-qa/dpruntime-tests-api-components/target/surefire-reports" to reports directory "/var/jenkins_home/jobs/QA/jobs/component-api-test-new/builds/43/cucumber-html-reports/.cache" [CucumberReport] Processing 1 json files: [CucumberReport] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/QA/jobs/component-api-test-new/builds/43/cucumber-html-reports/.cache/cucumberOriginal.json [CucumberReport] Found 221 failed steps, while expected at most 0 [CucumberReport] Build status is left unchanged [Pipeline] slackSend Slack Send Pipeline step running, values are - baseUrl: , teamDomain: talend, channel: dp-runtime-qa-ci-result, color: warning, botUser: true, tokenCredentialId: slack-token, notifyCommitters: false, iconEmoji: , username: , timestamp: [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // ansiColor [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // container [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // podTemplate [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: UNSTABLE